Week of 12/15/24
5 Rounds ~13
90” complete
10-15 Front Squat
10-15 Front Rack Banded Squat Jumps (heavy band)
1’ Rest
5 Rounds ~10’
1’ complete
BB Floor CP x 10-15
Banded Plyo Push Up x 5-7 (thin band)
1’ Rest
11’ Cap but give you til 12’ to finish if you must
50-40-30-20-10 x KB Swings
After each set;
20-15-10-5-1 x Burpees
Warm Up 10’
Inch Worm push up
Thread needle
Strength Part 1
4 rounds 12’ Cap
10 Heavy Double DB Deadlift
10/s R. Row (same load)
10 DB strict Deciet push up
Strength part 2 (6’)
Same load
1’ work : 30” rest
5 Deadlift
5/s R. Row
5 Deadlift
1’ work : 30” rest
5 Deadlift
5 Defeciet Push Up
5 Deadlift
1’ work : 30” rest
5 Deadlift
5 DB Burpee
5 Deadlift
Strength Part 3 (11’)
4 Rounds
90” work : 30” rest (last round give 60” rest if needed)
5 x complex
R. Row , DB Push Up, DB Burpee
A Bike Races
Groups of 4
20” work: Rest while teammates work (10” buffer)
2 rounds to test and set max team cal
Close out team calories x 3 w/in 6 Rounds
Warm Up
10/side RFE Static Lunge
10/side 1 Arm DB Hang Clean
10/side 1 Arm DB Push Press
W/ A Partner Work Together to close out 100 Calories Together
3’ Work: 1’ Rest
1 Arm Front Rack KB Walking Lunge Out right side/ Back Left side
10 Burpee
In Remaining time Max Calories
Warm Up
2’ Cardio
5 Push Up
4 Inch Worm
3/side single leg RDL
2/side static lunge
1’ set 85% max Cal Effort on a machine you don’t usually use
4 Rounds ~20’
Single Leg Heavy KB RDL x 10/s
Static Lunge RFE (holding double DB) x 10/s
Single leg pistol squat (scaled- single leg box squat) x 5/s
10 Archer Pull Up
10 Archer Push Up
Training ~15
1’ Row Cal from Warm Up = X (85% max)
2’ complete:
5/side DB Single Arm Snatch (needs to be heavy) could be clean to press
1’ Row Cal from Warm Up = X (85% max)
2’ complete:
5/side DB Single Arm Snatch
4/side DB Push Up
1’ Row Cal from Warm Up = X (85% max)
3’ complete:
5/side DB Single Arm Snatch
4/side DB Push Up
3/ side DB Burpee
1’ Row Cal from Warm Up = X (85% max)
3’ complete:
5/side DB Single Arm Snatch
4/side DB Push Up
3/ side DB Burpee
2/side DB Burpee Snatch
1’ Row Cal from Warm Up = X (85% max)
Friday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9eXi18nVO4
10’ Warm Up
30” cardio
Bird dog
Glute bridge
1 leg RDL
Strength EMOM Alt
10 Deadlift
10 DB Chest Press
12 Deadlift
12 DB Chest Press
14 Deadlift
14 DB Chest Press
Up by 2 all the way to 20 of each
*Pick any two 1’ add-on minutes
2 Rounds EMOM Alternating
5 pull up - 10 push up - 15 Air squat
20/18 Cal bike/row 22/20 Cal run
*alt. b/w cardio equipment if you would like
Partner Core