Week of 12/2/24


Warm Up

2’ cardio


10/side band walk

10/side lateral band side step

5/s Deep Lunge climbers

20” bar hang +1 pull up or attempt

Set Cal @ 90% Max 

Go for 1’ and record Cal


Every 90”

Back Squat Tempo 3 Sets (3:3:1) x 2 + 5 (moderate)

Rest and add load

Back Squat Tempo 4 Sets (3:3:1) x 2+ 5  (Heavy)


Rnd 1

1’ to complete 20 A KB Swings Heavy

1’ to complete 10 Burpee

1’ to complete X Cal from warm up

1’ Rest

Rnd 2

1’ to complete 20 A KB Swings Heavy

1’ to complete 10 Burpee

30” Rest

1’ to complete X Cal from warm up

30” Rest

Rnd 3

1’ to complete 20 A KB Swings Heavy

1’ to complete 10 Burpee

1’ Rest

1’ to complete X Cal from warm up

Rnd 4

1’ to complete 20 A KB Swings Heavy

1’ to complete 10 Burpee

30” Rest

1’ to complete X Cal from warm up

30” Rest

Rnd 5

1’ to complete 20 A KB Swings Heavy

1’ to complete 10 Burpee

1’ Rest

1’ to complete X Cal from warm up


Warm Up

1’ Cardio slow

2 Rounds

1 leg RDL x 5/s

Quadruped T-spine x 5/s

Glute bridge 1 leg x 5/s

1’ Cardio moderate

2 rounds

Supine leg cross over 3/s

Banded lunge 6/s


4 rounds

Drop Sets

5 heavy floor BB Chest Press

20” DB half load max rep CP

10/s heavy DB front foot elevated split squat

20” half load front foot elevated split squat

Right side both….then; left side both


10’ See how far down the ladder you can get

Buy in

800 meters

5 wall walk

1 leg crank

4 wall walk

1 leg crank


2’ Cardio



Strength ~20


20 Tall Kneeling Overhead Press

20/s monster band walk

5 pull up strict


10 ATY 

20/s lateral band side step

5 chin up strict

DeadLift 10’ to build into and complete:

5 x 5-10 Heavy, Rest 60” or less b/w sets

Conditioning: 18’

18’ overall Cap

10”:50” rest Hit 50/40 Cal A Bike Only

Rest 2’

500 meter Row time trial Row Only NORMS

Rest 2’

Run 800 meters (run prefered, but row ok)


EMOM WArm Up 10’


2 Rounds

Single leg RDL 7/s

Banded Lunge 7/s


2 Rounds

Quadruped t-spine thread the needle 7/s

Squat t-spine 7/s

EMOM 2 Rounds

20 push up & 10 Box Jump

15 push up & 10 Box Jump

10 push up & 10 Box Jump

Right into;

EMOM 2 Rounds

30 Empty BB Push Press OVHD & 10 Empty BB Front Squat

20 Empty BB Push Press OVHD & 10 Empty BB Front Squat

10 Empty BB Push Press OVHD & 10 Empty BB Front Squat

Right into; 

EMOM 2 Rounds

20 AKB Swing & 10 (5/s static) kB lunge steps

15 AKB Swing & 10 (5/s static) kB lunge steps

10 AKB Swing & 10 (5/s static) kB lunge steps

Right into;

EMOM 2 Rounds (2nd round consider 5 burpees)

15 DB Hang Clean & 10 Burpees

10 DB Hang Clean & 10 Burpees

5 DB Hang Clean & 10 Burpees

Partner Core Work

EMOM 1-2 rounds

Med ball toss partner sit ups

Low Plank

Leg lowering throw downs


High plank


Friday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDicni6IMps


Warm Up


High Plank Hold P1 (dig into high plank position- hollow, rigid quads, no lower back slope, ext rotation at shoulder)

10 Squats and 5 push ups P2



Wall Sit (hip below knee, hands by side, heals on floor, head and shoulders on wall, ….)P1

5 good morning  and 5 sit ups


Part 1

P1 – Must complete 50 BB Thruster 95/65 (can’t do more than 21)

P2- Must Hold a High Plank (each time a knee goes to the ground it’s a mandatory 20” rest and P1 can’t work during this time.  If P1 sets the BB down P2 can rest.  *you will have to be very strict with this in the warm up and explain that sometimes its creative to color outside the lines but today we will be strict because it’s part of the stimulus

Rest 2’



Rest 2’


P1- Must complete 50 BB SDLHP 95/65

P2- Must Hold a wall sit (strict- hip below knee, no hands, 20” break with no reps for P1)

Rest 2’



Rest 2’


Part 2 (solo)

3 Rounds For Time

500 meter row

50 Air Squat

25 Push Up

15 Pull Up


W/A partner

For Time

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 x Reps

P1-Chest press

P2-Strict Pull Up


*can’t work until partner has finished reps for each set

Rest 2’

W/A partner

For Time

20-18-16-14-12-10 x Reps

P1 - KB Swing

P2 - Wall Ball

*can’t work until partner has finished reps for each set

Rest 2’

2 Rounds

P1- 500  meter Row

P2 - 400 meter Run



Week of 12/8/24


Week of 11/25/24