Week of 1/27/25
2 Rounds 10’
Goblet Squat hold 30”
Airplane Rotation 5 per side
Hip Bridge band 5” hold x 5
Russian KB Swing High hinge x 20
Goblet Squat x 15
Double Push UP Burpee x 5
For 7 Rounds Every 2’ Minutes, complete: 14’
*studies show increase hormone response w/ heavy load and less rest
7 Deadlifts
5 weighted Pull ups or 7 kipping or 9 banded
*if you want to make this metcon like just add 20 KB Swings each round
For 7 Rounds Every 2’ Minutes, complete: 14’
10 BB Chest Press (heavy for 15-20)
5 bar over buprees
*for each chest press missed add a bar over burpee and then deload the next round
Conditioning Optional
Max Cal Leader Board
10” Sprint: Let it roll 50” rest X 7
Let's present something different.
Warm Up 6’
3 min cardio
1’ per side banded hip distraction
10 per side banded lunge
Pre-fatigue sets: 7’
DB Straight arm chest fly 15
KB goblet curtsy lunge 10
Band Pull Apart 10
Strength A Working Sets 12’
X 4
Hip Thrust x 15 *2” pause in top
Reverse DB Row x 15 2” a pause in top
Strict toes to Bar 1 leg x 6 *slow eccentric
Strength B Working Sets 7’
Bent back fly x 20
Seated single DB OVHD Tri Press x 20
EMOM Alt x 10
80% Calories of Max
1 Burpee Pull Up or Burpee touch bar
1 burpee DB
1 burpee
*add 1 burpee per round
*work with a partner and share 1 equipment for total cal each round
Warm Up- 4’
X 2
Unloaded Squat Hang onto Squat Rack 30” in bottom
Plate counter loaded squat 30” in bottom
Air Squat 30”
Plate Squat 30”
*Pause here and show the shoulder BB Shoulder Smash Mobility. This will be done for 2’ on each side before leaving the studio.
Dynamic Warm Up- 4’
Calories x 10
Squat Jumps x 10
Push Up x 5
Loading 5’
Front Squat 5 x 5 (last 2 sets working)
Part 1 8’’
6 Rounds
Front Squat
1’ to complete 5 + 5 Box Jumps
Rest 30”
Go up by 1 Box Jump
Or if you don’t want the challenge start at 10 and go down by 1 box jump each round
Part 2 (long…..we always need to build something into our week or month that is long endurance work. #1- It’s less CNS work. #2- Creates more fat burning stimulus. #3 - Helps with capacity )
25 minute cap
1 mile
50 push ups
40 Sit ups
800 meters
40 push ups
30 sit ups
.25 miles
30 push ups
20 sit ups
Shoulder BB Smash 2’ per side
The goal is to help people get what they need. Introduce the mobility and have everyone try each piece for 1’.
Walk them through the options and help give ideas on how to mix this. Ex. 10’ Moblity, 10’ strength, 10’ Cardio
Mobility 10’
Hard Box LX Ball Hamstring Flossing 2’ per side
I.T. Band Foam Rolling 2’ per side
Partner Thera gun anywhere unreachable 4’
Dynamic Warm Up 5’
Every 30”
Round 1 slow, round 2 moderate, round 3 fast
5 push up: 2-5 Pull Up
Strength 10’
3-4 Rounds
BB Landmine Oblique x 10
Nordic Falls x 5
BB Landmine Seated Russian Twistx 10
Conditioning (leader board)
10”: 50” x 10
During 50” off complete 1 HR Push Up +1 Each Round
Rest 2’
30”:30” x 10
During 30” off complete 1 2 Squat Jumps +2 Each Round
Rest 2’
Spend time getting the load right on this. Single arm clean and press w/DB & Overhead lunge step. The 3’:2’ off schematic is designed for a heavy stimulus that you would be forced to break on.
Warm Up- 6’
KB Adductor Mobilization in kneeling 30”/s
Prone leg crossover 5/s
Shin to wall 30” /s
Specific Warm Up 10’
500 meters run or row slow to fast. Watch your time to see how long it takes.
Open hand overhead lunge thumb back unloaded x 5 per side
Push Up x 10
250 meters
10 push ups
DB Overhead lunge thumb back x 4 per side
KB Swing x 10 *use the heavy load
Single DB Clean (from FLoor) and Single DB Push Press x 5 per side *this should be set by using a DB that would be heavy for 5 reps not 10 reps
Training 34’
6 Rounds
3 minutes on & 2 minutes rest
Alternate B/W
500 meter row or 500 meter run & 10 per side Overhead lunge
30 KB Swing plus 10 double push up burpees & 8 per side DB Clean and Press
3’:1’ *but use the rest to finish
500 meters
10 OVhD lunge total
10 KB Swing
10 total clean and press
Warm Up
Any order and broken in any way you want
30 Calories
40 Barbell movements of any kind
30 KB movements of any kind
*give examples of both
Simple but potent:
1’ 90-95% Max effort...this is your workout 1’ effort, not your 1 x and throw up 1’ effort
Rest 1’
See how many times you can hit this same number of Calories out of 5 efforts. 1’ on : 1’ off
4 rounds
BB Strict Push Jerk x 10 (please coach this before…Dip, Drive, Re-Dip, Punch)
KB Front Squat x 20
10 Minutes to complete the following
1 Round
10 Thruster
20 Calories
20 KB Swings
10 Calories
15 Thruster
10 Calories
10 KB Swing
20 Calories
20 Burpees