Week of 2/10/25


Warm Up


5 Rounds working every 4’

Pick one to do at 10, one exercise to do at 15 reps, and one to do at 20 reps

Back Squat

Push Press

Chest Press


90” to complete: 30” rest x 2

X 5 Complex 

DB Burpee, Clean, Lunge

X 5 pull up

X5 Cal

90” to complete: 60” rest x 3

X 5 Complex 

DB Burpee, Clean, Lunge

X 5 pull up

X5 Cal

Then; Rest

5’ Max Rep TTB

50/60 Cal A Bike

60/70 Cal Run/Row

In remaining time Max Rep TTB


Warm Up

Set up 90% 1’ max

Set up Deadlift heavy for 5-10

Practice 30” of max rep DL even if broken during 30” . keep track of reps


5 rounds ~25’

1’ HIt Cal X

1’ Rest

1’ X Deadlift- should take more than 30” 

1’ DB shoulder forward lateral raise x 10 of each alternating

1’ Rest


3 rounds

1’ Hit Cal X

1’ Rest

1’ try for 50 air squats (same # as the mean in the study on lower body strength endurance and heart disease . 50 + air squats to 18” bench = 35% decrease in heart desease. 

Wednesday https://www.youtube.com/live/yEJgko4Klng?si=1bAM5mLqYQETKWFi

Warm Up


5 Rounds ~20’ each round to be finished in 3’30”: 30” rest

BB Landmine split squat press x 10/s (lunge to thruster)

BB Russian Twist x 20

1 leg hip bridge 1 arm chest press x 15/side (same leg anchor as arm that is pressing)

Conditioning (see video)

1600 meters for beginner (or if you have a sub 8’30” mile then 2K meters)

20’ Cap

2K / 1600

Every 2’ stop and complete

25 HR push up & 15 Pull Up

*each round add 5 HR push up & 5 Pull up

**if you go over the minute to complete the floor work you eat into your cardio



Front Squat x 5-10

Floor Wipers Loaded x 20

Bent Back DB Fly x 20 

Monster Band Walking x 10-20/side


18’ Cap

800-meter Buy In

50 Burpee

50 Box Jump

50 Tri Dip Feet Elevated

800 meter Cash Out


Warm Up

W/ A Partner

30”:30” x 5

Score starts at: 

Bike 2 men = 100 Cal / 2 women = 80 Cal / Mixed = 90 Cal

Run/ Row 2 men = 120 Cal / 2 women = 100 Cal / Mixed = 110 Cal

Reps = 100

Everything is 30”:30” x 5

Max Cal

1’ rest

Max Hang Clean

1’ rest

Max Cal

1’ rest

Max Front Rack Lunge Step

1’ rest

Max Cal

1’ rest

Max Push Press

1’ rest

Max Cal


Warm Up

2’ slow, 2’ moderate, 2’ fast (warm up fast- thinking about 2 minute fast interval speed)

2-4 Rounds

PVC Overhead Squat

Push Up - Strict x 5 (move hands up 2-4” each time) *like the FMS push up. Testing midline stability. Que hip and shoulder and spine together.


2’ predicting what would be fast...1st minute fast, but second minute building to very fast!

Prep All Movements

Burpee, Push Up (they need to understand this can be kipping), Pull Up *get them to a place that 20 in a row isn’t possible.  Can they mix bar and trx to get there? Yes.

Max Distance 4 minutes

Buy In 

30 Burpee

*just so you understand this.  The clock starts and your 4 min begins.  Before you can even get the tread to cover distance you have to complete 30 burpees

Rest 2 minutes

Max Distance 4’30”

Buy In 

60 Air Squats to touch target

Goal is to try and match same distance

Rest 2 minutes

Max Distance 5 minutes

Buy In 

30 Push Ups

20 Pull Ups (should be broken so make people pick a tough variation)

Rest 2 minutes

Max Distance 5’ 30”

 20 Burpee

30 Squats

10 Push Up

10 Pull Up


Fit Group 2/17/25


Week of 2/3/25