Week of 4/1/24
7 Rounds 16’
*get through a round every 2’-2’30”
5 Heavy DL
5 Heavy DB Hang Clean
Training 10’
10’ For Max Rep Burpee Bar Over
10 Cal
10 Back Rack Lunge
5 Rounds ~15’
Bottom Hold Split Squat Landmine press x 10-15/s
Band resisted glute activation hammer curl x 10-15/s
Strict toes to bar or variation x 5-10
Strength: ~15’
High volume to focus on some intricate mechanics
50 Strict Press
20 High Pike anchored Leg Drops (feet to floor 1st)
40 muscle clean
20 Floor Wipers x 2 (1’ plank b/w)
30 High Hang Clean and Push Press
20 BB Russian Twist x 2 (1’ Plank b/w)
To Finish:
Leader Board
Teams of 2
A Bike 10” sprint x 30” rest x 5 each person
Strength 12’ Hit 7 Rounds
12 Minutes for 7 Sets of 15 Back Squats & 15 Floor Press
@ the 12-minute mark
Rest 1’
Then begin;
Training 12’
2’ work: 1’ Rest
2’ complete 10 DB Burpee w/ same load DB’s & 1 lap burpee broad jump
1’ rest
2’ complete 10 burpee box jump & 1 lap burpee broad jump
1’ rest
2’ complete 10 DB Burpee w/ same load DB’s & 10 burpee Pull Up
1’ rest
2’ complete 10 burpee box jump & 10 burpee Pull Up
Strength 12’ finish any remaining rounds
To finish any remaining rounds of… 15 Back Squats & 15 Floor Press
Strength Training
X4 ~ 10’
5-10/s High Alternating strict press
10/s static split squat
10-15 empty BB snatch grip high pull
X4~ 10’
20 BB Hip Thrusts
5-10 Wheel of Death
2’ Max Cal Run
2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB
2’ Max Cal Row
2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB
2’ Max Cal Bike
2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB
2’ Max Cal Run
2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB
2’ Max Cal Row
Friday Revisit from New Year Challenge Testing 2017.
Come in to compare your score. We have over 90 people recorded on the whiteboard from 2017