Week of 7/15/24


The warm up can be mild because the 1st couple rounds is easy

EMOM 5 Rounds 35’

1 Set of DBs that are heavy for 10 Reps 

*each round go up by 2 reps on everything

*after the Front Squat shift to a 30”:30” timer and do 2 efforts 10/8 Cal

DB Push Press 10

DB Hang Clean 10

Burpee 10

DB Lunge Step 10 total

DB Front Squat 10 total


5 Rounds

3’ to complete (a ton of grip strength! Should be working into minute of rest last couple of rounds) 


10 DB Push Press (HEAVY FOR 10 CAN’T HIT 15)

10/S DB Step Up(same load as Push Press)

10 DB Hang Clean (same load)

1’ Rest


Warm Up

2’ Cardio

Unloaded Squat x 10

Counter loaded Squat x 10

Squat x 10

Supine and Prone leg crossover x 10 of each

Spend time loading:

BB Load Heavy for 20

KB Load Heavy for 20

DB Load heavy for 20

200 meters should have to be a consistent steady moderat to heavy effort

2’ to complete

10 back squat

10 KB Front squat

5/s DB Lunge Static

200 meters

Right into

3’ to complete

15 back squat

15 KB Front squat

7/s DB Lunge Static

200 meters

4’ to complete

20 back squat

20 KB Front squat

10/s DB Lunge Static

200 meters

Go back down the ladder starting w/ 20 reps


Rest as needed


If you can make it in 3’30” take a minute to rest and go back down in 3’30”

10 KB A Swings

10 HR Push Up

15 KB A Swings

15 HR Push Up

20 KB A Swings

20 HR Push Up


Warm Up

50 Cal in 5’ or A Runner 60 Cal in 5’ (dialed in warm Up)

Hip Openers

BB Work 25’

2 Round W/ Empty BB 

2 Rounds Loading

Work 1’ : Rest 30” 

5 Rounds (heavy go up by 1 each round/lighter go up 2 each round)

5 + 1 or 2 High Hang High Pull

5 + 1 or 2 Hang Clean

5 + 1 or 2 Front Squat

Right into;

Work 1’: Rest 30”

5 Rounds

10 + 2 or 3 Front Squat

10 + 2 or 3 Bent Knee Push Up

30”:30” *10” Buffer

w/ a Partner Close out 150 KB Swing 

P1- KB Swing 30” Max Rep

P2- Pull Up 30” x 5


w/ a Partner Close out 100 Cal

P1-30” Max Rep Cal

P2-Burpee x 4


Mobility: LX Ball Hamstring tac and floss

Cardio Prep: 

5’ build to fast and last minute pay attention to speed range at start of last minute and end of last minute, get them to what they think would be all out 4’ effort pace.

Stability Drill Test: 

Single leg jump and land make sure to watch knee and foot position on landing. If the knee collapses you are out of position and this is how you run...same thing with foot.  It’s a small jump with a perfect landing.  Maybe 5 per side.  Talk about how we move and how it scales up.

Floor Prep:

Heavy KB High Pull (for 20)

Heavy Kb Thruster (same KB- heavy for 10)

Push Up

Pull Up (can use TRX)

4’ Max Distance (record speed range. Example 9mph to 9.6mph or 500/m Pace)

2’ Rest

5’ Max Reps

20 KB High Pull

20 Push ups

2’ Rest

3’ Max Distance (Run faster than top end of 4’ range and record new range. Example 9.6mph to 9.8mph)

90” rest

4’ Max Reps

10 KB Thruster

10 Pull Up

90” Rest

2’ Max Distance (Run faster than top end of 4’ range and record new range. Example 9.8mph to 9.9mph)

1’ rest

3’ Max Rep

20 KB High Pull

20 Push ups

1’ Rest

1’ Max Distance (Run faster than top end of 4’ range and record new range. Example 9.9mph to 10mph)

1’ rest

2’ Max Rep

10 KB Thruster

10 Pull Up



5’ slow to fast

Floor Prep:

Push Up


KB R. Lunge Step


KB F. Sq.

BF Sit Up

3 Rounds

A Bike or A Runner (do 3 of these efforts at the top of each round)

30”: rest 30”,20”,10” 


30”:30” (r. 1 30”:30, r. 2 30”:20, r. 3 30”:10)

Push Up

KB Swing Heavy

KB Rev. Lunge


KB F. Sq



Coaches Choice


Week of 7/29/24


Week of 7/8/24