Fit Group 2/24/25



Warm up and prep 15’

T-spine mobility


  1. Lie down on the floor, back flat against it.

  2. Your knees should be up with your feet and glutes flat on the floor.

  3. Lock your elbows and bring your arms directly overhead, attempting to touch your wrists to the ground above your head.

  4. Make sure to maintain contact between your lower back and the floor; don’t arch your back to get your hands in place

2’ of cardio warm up 


T-spine w/ BB could be combo of single arm or w/ band on bar.

2 Strength Stations

  1. Push Press

  2. Back Squat

Take 7-10 minutes to do the following:

Build into heavy for 5 push press and 5 back squat


Do 3 sets of each at that load


Find a partner-

5 Rounds (separate loads and racks/ P1- work: P2-rest

1’ work: 30” rest  (both must get work done in 1’)

*while your partner works you must complete 10 HR Push Ups

5 Back Squats 

Rest 30” together

5 Rounds (separate loads and racks/ P1- work: P2-rest

1’ work: 30” rest  (both must get work done in 1’)

*while your partner works you must do bottom of squat hold

5 Push Press

Rest 30” together


7 minutes

Can you do 2 Rounds

20 burpees

20 Pull Ups

20 Box Jumps


Short Strength/Big Conditioning

Hip Flexion 

ASL Test (spine neutral, knee locked out, plumb line ankle past hip is normal)

2’ warm up

1’ per side of band PNF/Flossing

ASL Test


3-5 Rounds 10-12’

Narrow Chest Press 15 + 5 Narrow Push Ups

Bent Back Fly x 15 + 5 strict Pull Ups

Partner Plyo Sit Up x 1’ Max Rep


*if you don’t want to rest get in a group with less people but know the workout changes the metabolic outcome and you actually burn less calories

In groups of 4 Bike

7 Rounds ~10 minutes

10” A Bike  w/ 5” transition

Go through 1 Round with max effort** All out max Effort *make sure to write this down in front of bike

Rest regroup and then:

See how many rounds out of 7 you can get through with matching this total Cal effort each round

After each round write points down and reset the bike 30” to do this

In groups of 4 Row

5 Rounds ~12’30”

30” max effort Row w/a 10” transition

Go through round 1 with max effort***all out max effort write down score in front of rower

See how many rounds out of 5 you can get through with matching this total Cal effort each round

@ the end of each round rest 30” to get total and write down score

In Groups of 4 Run

2 Rounds ~ 6’

1’ max effort Run : 10” transition

Go through round 1 with max effort***all out max effort write down score behind tread

See how many rounds out of 1 you can get through with matching this total speed each round

@ the end of each round rest 60” to get total and write down score



Ankle Mobility

Test-Single leg squat or pistol squat or 2 foot pistol

2’ cardio

Med ball or KB option w/ distraction for dorsiflexion

*explain why this is important (running, squatting, bunions, achilles problems)


EMOM 3 rounds

KB Swing x 25

Wall Ball x 20

Row x 15/12

Burpee x 15


EMOM  3 Rounds


Bike x 12/9

R. Row x 16

FlR Wiper x 10/s


2-3 rounds

P1- Farmers Carry Out Back x 2

P2- Wall Sit



Shoulder Mobility

Test- FMS fist over head and behind back reach

3’ cardio

Band Shoulder Mobility Overhead x 60” per side


Behind back internal rotation 60” per side



15-20 minutes

Super Sets

Hammer Curl in Wall Sit x 15 

Right  into 

band resistance curls x 20


Single Leg KB RDL x 15

Right  into 

Single leg Bench hip lift loaded x 10/s


EZ Bar or Straight bar skull crusher x 15 (share Bars)

Right into 

Med ball tri toss to wall tall kneeling x 20

Short Metcon

Every 4 minute complete the following x 3 Rounds

200 meters @ (.12 miles)

30 Air Squats 

1 minute plank

10 burpee pull up *any order but this must be done last

Rest 1’




Hip Flexion Standing

Test 120 degrees standing active hip flexion

3’ cardio

Shin to wall or KB Smashing psoas x 1’ per side



Since we don’t have inclines to tread anymore do the following: 

Rd 1- 1 HR Push in the 30” rest

Rd 2- 2 HR Push

Rd 3- 3 HR Push

Rd 4- 4 HR Push

Use the 1st round #’s and try and match those each round for Cal and Reps

Thursday November 17, 2016

Warm Up

On way in grab  a heavy KB to swing 20 times


2’ slow

30” at each incline 4,6,8,10% 10” rest b/w teaching on and off

Floor: (6 minute to do this)

2 sets

Squat and Hollow hold ~15” each

KB Swing heavy for 20 do 10 reps

KB Front Squat 10 reps (same load)

Kipping Push Up

BF Sit Up

  • quickly explain the workout and 30” transitions from tread to floor, check moving belt and adjust speed.

Round 1 (10’)


30” Sprint 10% incline : 30” rest x 5

*Add extra 30” rest on the last round


1’ KB Swing Max Rep

1’ Rest

1’ KB Squat

1’ Rest

1’ to get 20 sit ups

30” rest

Round 2 (10’)

30” Sprint 8% incline : 30” rest x 5

*Add extra 30” rest on the last round


1’ KB Swing Max Rep

1’ Rest

1’ KB Squat

1’ Rest

1’ to get 20 sit ups

30” rest

Round 3 (10’)

30” Sprint 6% incline : 30” rest x 5

*Add extra 30” rest on the last round


1’ KB Swing Max Rep

1’ 20 Sit Ups

1’ KB Squat

1’ 20 Push Up

30” Rest

Round 4 (10’)

30” Sprint 4% incline : 30” rest x 5

*Add extra 30” rest on the last round


1’ KB Swing Max Rep

1’ Rest

1’ KB Squat

1’ Rest

1’ to get 20 sit ups

30” rest




*really the only partner aspect is the fact that you are scoring this together

Warm Up

2’ Slow

3 Rounds

5 Squat hold bottom for 5” (use as a diagnostic- look in the mirror...the bottom tells you a lot, good diagnostic tool)

5 Push Up hold the top with rigid elbow position (this is the same as the rowing archetype and will help with early pulling to make this connection)

(Practice and Prep for all movements in workout)

W/ a Partner add total numbers together and work at the same time on different couplets

4’ As Many Rounds As Possible

Row 15/12 Cal

Wall Ball 20

Rest 2’

4’ As Many Rounds As Possible

A Bike 15/12 Calorie

Push Up 20

Rest 2’

4’ As Many Rounds As Possible

Double Under 30

Sit up 20

Rest 2’

4’ As Many Rounds As Possible

Run 400 meters

10 burpees

Rest 2’

Repeat all couplets for 2’ AMRAPs w/ 1’ rest B/W


Fit Group 3/3/25


Fit Group 2/17/25