Fit Group 3/3/25

*Fit Group 3/3-3/9/25




Warm Up 8’

2 Rounds


Cardio 1’ slow

Cardio 1’ double your slow Cal

Shin to wall 30”/s

Bar Hang 30”

3 sets 4’

Handstand or pike x 3

Sit up x 3

Squat jump x 5

practice and do 5 reps per side w/ a moderate load:

  • Single Arm/DB Snatch

3 Sets 6’ (make this about seeing how you feel and find a heavy load for 5 reps. Just test it out, you don’t have to use the load you finish with)

Single Arm Push Press x 5 Get to very Heavy

Back Rack out of Rack Forward Lunge Stepx 5 per side building to heavy for 10 per side

5 Rounds 20’ all out working sets 3’:1’ Rest **If you get done before the 3’ mark add to reps to snatch and push press or go up in load

Back Rack Lunge  x 10/s alternating

*Snatch DB x 5/s

Push Press DB x 5/s

*Snatch x 5/s

12’ Conditioning

4 Rounds Track total Cal

P1- 20” Max Effort

20” Transition

P2- 20” Plank

Rest 2’

4 Rounds Hit half cal or more

P1 10” Max Effort

20” Transition

P2 10” Max Effort


Conditioning 8’

Get a pretty tight handle on controlling the group from the beginning so you can get the pace set the way you want it. 

60” of row, bike, or run

60” spiderman Lunges HIp opener

60” of row, bike, or run

60” Inch Worm

60” of row bike, or run

*just get a feel for each

2 sets 4’

Band Dynamic Hamstring Supine Stretch x 30”/s

Jump Rope 30”

Strength 15’

KB 1 and ¼ Goblet Squats x 5 into 10 Goblet Squats

Hamstring med ball rolling x 10/s 

Holding the bottom of Dip- DB Overhead Press x 5 into Push Press x 10

BB Landmine Teaser x 5 per side

Conditioning 20’

2 rounds (second round suprise)

90” Max Distance Run Bike or Row

Rest 90”

90” Max Distance Run bike or Row

Rest 90” 

45” Max double under 

45” Max Toes To Bar (could be single leg alt)

Rest 90”

*on the second round buy in is 5 burpees. Go over the time if you don’t make it

*If you don’t make your first effort then no burpee buy in on the second effort


Warm-up 4’ slow to moderate

*this should still feel like a warm-up

2’ cardio

Take this right into:

(show the movements and go right into this to keep the session moving and then coach while they are moving)


Med ball front squat x 10 & burpee x 5

Rest and get everyone into a hip opener for about 30” per side on your clock

(again, demo this and give a few key points, but coach while they are moving)


Med ball Squat Clean x 5 & burpee Box Jumps x 5

Rest and get everyone w/ a band hamstring stretch or shin to the wall for about 30” per side on your clock

Load KB Heavy for 30

Load Front Squat for 20-25 Reps


100  Thruster

Every time you break

5 Burpee Box Jumps

10 KB Swing

Every 4’ add 5 Burpee Box Jumps and 5 KB Swings

Strength Auxilary:

5 rounds or whatever time remains:

Partner sling shot sit ups x 20

Partner russian twist toss x 5-10

Partner plank rolls  x 20


Mobility 6’

30” of each per side

I.T. bands

Lacrosse ball internal rotation posterior shoulder

KB quad smash

5 push up

10 lunge 

10-20” of dead hang on bar

Warm Up 5’

1-2 Rounds


10 No Push Up burpee

8 burpee

10 KB deadlift

10 KB deadlift High Pull

3-4 Rounds 15-20’ *all mobility b/w sets is optional

DB Chest Fly x 15 / Narrow Push Tempo 15” Max Rep

BB Bent Row x 15 / DB Narrow Tempo Chest Press Max Rep x 30” 

DB Hammer Curl in wall sit x 15-20 / Tri Dip feet elevated Tempo Max Rep 15”

R. Row narrow feet and no pivot x 30” max rep / Tri Band Pull Down x 30” tempo Max Rep

4 Rounds  For Max Cal (based on 1st round effort come up with a total number to chase for Cals)

3’ Cap to complete work

10 HR Push Up

10 No Push Up Burpee

10 Burpee

10 Deadlift

10 Deadlift High Pull

10 Clean

In Remaining Time Max Calories

2’ Break


Teams of 6

Warm Up 8’

30”:30” Cardio x 4

Shin to wall 30” per side

Foam Rolling I.T. band 30” per side

P1 and P2

12’ Time Cap

Leg 1:  -Assault Bike only-

30” sprint: 30” rest (until round 3)

Round 3 rest turns to 2 burpees

Round 5 = 3 burpees

Round 7= 4 burpees

So on, until 12’ Cap or:

2 men = 200 Cal

2 women = 160 Cal

Mixed = 180 Cal

(anchor can finish leftover)

P3 and P4

Leg 2: 

12’ Time Cap

Working EMOM

P1- Chest press BB Max Rep (1st-time effort has to be below 25.  3 Rep penalty for every rep above 25 on 1st attempt….this is a secret)

P2- 20 Loaded Leg lowering

At the top of each minute switch 

Go until you combine to 200 Reps of Chest Press

In whatever time you have remaining close out 100KB Swings as follows:

P1- 30” Max Rep KB Swings

P2- Rest

Closeout 80 KB swings combined

(anchor can finish anything leftover)

P5 and P6

Leg 3:

12’ Time Cap (if going solo- ~45” for 15 box jumps: 45” for max rep DB Complex)

P1- Box Jump x 15

P2- Max Rep DB complex

  • DB Push Up

  • R. Row

  • Clean

  • Press

  • Front Rack Lunge

Stop when you hit 40 combined Reps or 12’ Cap (anchor can finish leftover)


3 Sets

Slow 5 Cal Row

5 good mornings w/ PVC

6 overhead Lunge step w/PVC

3 Sets

Faster 5 Cal Row

5 RDL w/KB 

6 Overhead Lunge w/ empty BB

This is the bridge b/w warm up and workout (not tough but fully warmed up after)

EMOM 6’ 

KB Russian KB Swing x 10 (go heavy) & Burpee x 3

Foam Roller T-spine 1’

LX Ball Glute 30” pre side

Go through 2 x 

2’ Max Rep

Buy in

Round 1 

20/15 Cal/ Run

Then in time remaining: 


Rest 2’

Buy in

Round 2

20/15 Cal Row 

Then in time remaining:  

Max Rep Burpee

Rest 2’

Round 3

Buy in

Round 2

20/15 Cal Bike

Then in time remaining:

 Max Rep  Wallball


Fit Group week of 3/10


Fit Group 2/24/25