Week of 10/22/24



5 Rounds ~20’

Heavy R. Row 10/s

Strict Pull Up 5 (find new variations besides a band- jump eccentric)

Heavy DB Step Up 10/s


EMOM 10’

Alternating Min

5/side DB Snatch (+1/side each round)

10 Burpee (+2 each round)

Conditioning ~12’

In groups of 3

10” Srpint 60” Rest

Score 1st round total

Multiply  x 10 and close it out

Rnd 1 and 2 free

Rnd 3-6 complete 20” Plank during rest

Rnd 6-to completion complete 20” plank & 20” squat hold



5 Rounds ~20’

BB Floor Chest Press x 10

Push Up x 10

Loaded Lunge Step x 10/Side

*if u can’t clean the Bar off the floor, you can use the rack for lunge or use DB’s

Training 10’

EMOM 10’

Alternating Minutes

DB Clean x 10 (+2 each round)

Wall Ball x 20 (+2 each round)

Conditioning ~12’

30” sprint: 30” Rest 

Go until you hit 110/80 (use this as a guide depending on who you are and what you need)

Rnd 1-5 Rest

Rnd 6-X 1 burpee + 1 until you finish



5 rounds ~20’

Deadlift x 5-10

Tri Dip Feet elevated x 15

Narrow Push Up x 10

EMOM 10’

Alternating Minutes

Push Press 10 (+2 each round)

Box Jump 10 + 1 Each Round & Push Up 10 +1 Each round

Conditioning 13’

1’ 20/18 Cal (pick your 1’ number, should be sustainable for no more than 3 of these efforts)

3 Rounds

1’ 20/18 Cal

1’ Rest


Rest 2’


2 rounds

1’ 15 Cal

1’ Rest


Strength 20’

4-5 Rounds

Front Squat 

X 5 1 and ¼ (down, up ¼, down, and up)

Right into

X 5 regular

Loaded Hip Thrusts on box 

X 5 pause 3” in top

X 5 Regular

Training 10’



20 KB Swing + 2 Each Round

1 leg crank (squat 10, squat jump 10, lunge 10, lunge jump 10)

Conditioning ~11’

4’ Max Distance

Rest 2’

2’  Half  4’ Cal + 10 Cal

Rest 2’

1’ Half 2’ Cal + 5 Cal

Friday (46’) https://www.youtube.com/live/mNkSvaDfiv4?si=Ly5tK3yQWdQltVfN

Warm up is just grabbing estimated loads and some quick end range work

4’ to complete

100 Air Squats

Every 20, stop and complete 2 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

80 KB Swings

Every 20, stop and complete 3 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

60 Push Ups

Every 20, stop and complete 4 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

50 KB DB Thrusters

Every 20, stop and complete 5 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

40 DB Clean

Every 10, stop and complete 6 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

30 KB Squat Cleans

Every 10, stop and complete 7 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

20 DB R. Row & DB Push Up

Every 10, stop and complete 8 Burpees

Rest 1’

4’ to complete

10 Death Eaters




Week of 10/28/24


Week of 10/15/24