Week of 10/28/24
Fit Fit 10/28-11/3/24
Monday https://www.youtube.com/live/wLIgz5_5Xw8?si=Xt9qH05U1w7nz0TX
Warm Up
Cardio 1’
Alternating each Minute with:
T-spine opener 10 per side
Inch Worm push up
Spiderman lunge
Pull Aparts (different angles)
Part 1
Set up heavy load 15-20 floor chest press (can’t go over 22)
14’ Cap
100 CP
Every break
5 pull ups
10 Cal A Bike +2 each round
Part 2
Set up heavy load 15-20 Back Squat(can’t go over 22)
10’ Cap
100 Back Squat
Every break
20 Push ups
10 Cal A Bike +2 each round
Part 3
Set up heavy load 30 KB Swings American
10’ Cap
100 KB Swings
Every break
10 Burpee
10 Cal A Bike +2 each round
10 Minutes
Must get through 4 loading rounds on the deadlift
Working into heavy for 5-10 reps
1’ Row
5 Reps DL (load increase each round)
5 pull up
3/side single leg squat
20” Max Rep to set Volume with DL
Take X Rep DL x 8 = Goal
1st 20” Max Rep DL
Remaining time to complete:
10 very strict pushup
5 Pull up
1st 20” Max Rep DL
Remaining time to complete:
10 very strict pushup
5 Pull up
1st 20” Max Rep DL
Remaining time to complete:
10 very strict pushup
5 Pull up
1st 20” Max Rep DL
Remaining time to complete:
10 very strict pushup
5 Pull up
Continue w/ the same pattern of 90”/75”/60” until you reach Goal
30” work :10” transition
Hit minimum requirements and remember 1st round numbers
Whatever you score don’t ever drop below that number after 1st round
2 Rounds
Empty BB Push Press
Wall Ball
Box Jump
Rest 60”
2 Rounds
Empty BB Push Press
Wall Ball
Box Jump
Rest 30”
2 Rounds
Empty BB Push Press
Wall Ball
Box Jump
Rest 60”
1- Cal Bike moderate
1- 5 pull up & 10 Push up
1- Cal tread moderate
1- Leg Crank
1- Cal Row moderate
1- Loaded Leg lowering 20
Right into
1- Cal Bike +5
1- 5 pull up & 10 Push up
1- Cal tread +5
1- Leg Crank
1- Cal Row +5
1- Loaded Leg lowering 20
Right into
1- Cal Bike +10
1- 5 pull up & 10 Push up
1- Cal tread +10
1- Leg Crank
1- Cal Row +10
1- Loaded Leg lowering 20
16’ Cap
50-40-30-20-10 x reps
KB Swings
Wall Ball
Warm Up
Must complete 3 rounds in 8 min
45” Row
5 pike push ups
5 per side single leg KB RDL
10 per side Toe Touch step up (basically step up but on way down only touch toe to floor so no push off)
3 Rounds ~15’
2’ to complete
10 per side single DB Hang Clean Heavy
5 per side single DB Push Press + 2 each round
10 per side single DB Front Squat (loaded right/loaded left shoulder)
Right into:
90” to complete
Twice through
10 A- Shoulder raise
10 T- Shoulder raise
10 Y- shoulder raise
*ATY shoulder raise broken down
3 Rounds ~15’
3’ to complete
10 per side single DB RFE split squat
5 per side single DB Thruster + 2 each round
10 per side single DB Step Up (holding in hang)
Right into:
2’ to complete
Twice through
15 per side band walking
10 per side band step back
A Bike races If time
Friday https://www.youtube.com/live/PZ1oA1-tw4g?si=lu5HVyAZEmTxTdgl
Warm Up
8’ to complete 4 rounds
45” Bike
5/side Quadruped T-spine rotation
10 total Squat T-spine rotation
10 total cossack squat
Work with a partner
4 Rounds or 90 Burpees accumulative (whichever comes first)
Work at the same time as your partner
3’ to complete
7 Front squat heavy for 10-12
17 Calories
27 KB Swing American
In remaining time max Rep Burpees
1’ Rest
Work with a partner
4 Rounds or 100 Box Jumps accumulative (whichever comes first)
Work at the same time as your partner
3’ to complete
5 DB Burpee Squat Clean Thruster
15 Calories
In remaining time max Rep Box Jumps
1’ Rest