Week of 10/8/24


Warm Up

18’ Go until you hit failure on one of the activities

10/side DB loaded RFE Lunge

15 BB Floor press

*you can add load or just go for it, but you will need to get one set of failure inside the 15 minutes

**this should take 5 rounds and failure towards round 4 or 5

2’ Work: 1’ Rest

10 DB Burpees

10 Pull Ups

10/12 Calories

Rnd 1 pure rest

Rnd 2 5 Push Up

Rnd 3 4 Push Up 10 Lateral Jump over bar

Rnd 4 3 Push up 9 Lateral Jump Over Bar 5 sprawl

Rnd 5 2 push up 8 Lateral Jump Over Bar 4 sprawl SCORE = Max Rep No DB Burpee


Warm Up

4-5 Rounds 15-18’ work

RFE Lunge DB Loaded x 10/side

Strict TTB x 5

Partner toss sit up 30” each max rep (P1- standing thrower, P2- sit up catch and sling back)

W/ A Partner, pick 2 pieces of Cardio Equipment.

Use the warm-up to determine a secondary piece of equipment and set a recovery pace on that piece of equipment.  A live measurable (watts, mph…..)

Single leg DB Loaded Glute lift x 5/side w/ 30” pause in top (on floor or bench, take DB’s and hold on hips)

set up as a race using 3 different clocks. 

Clock 1 = 1’ clock

Clock 2 = 40” clock

Clock 3 = 20”clock

*during the 2’ move your cardio equipment so you can see the clock you are working on.

Rotate through until you hit 100 Cal combined

1’ Work Max Calories on Equipment A

10” buffer

1’ complete 5 pull up, 10 push up, 15 Sqaut (add 1 rep to the push up and pull up each round)

10” buffer

1’ Use Equipment B to stay at or above recovery pace

10” buffer

Rest 2’

Rotate through until you hit 80 Cal combined

40”Work Max Calories on Equipment A

10” buffer

40” Floor chest Press x 10 + 2 each round

10” buffer

40” Use Equipment B to stay at or above the recovery pace

10” buffer

Rest 2’

Rotate through until you hit 60 Cal combined

20” Work Max Calories on Equipment A

10” buffer

20” KB A. Swing x 5 +2 each round

10” buffer

20” Use Equipment B to stay at or above the recovery pace

10” buffer


Warm Up


8 Rounds ~20’

Each round 15” less of rest (rnd.1 = 60/ rnd. 2= 45” / rnd 3 = 30” / rnd. 4= 15” / rnd5,6,7,8 = 0”


5 Front Squat Moderate for 10

5 Push Press same load

5 split squat static per side (back rack or front rack same load)

60” Rest


10 Strict DB Push Up & 10 DB Heavy Hang Clean


Cardio  ladder

Work 1’ rest 1’

Need a little wiggle room today 6-8-10-12-14 x Cal stay at top and go back down

Normal 12-14-16-18-20 X Cal then 20 again and back down

Better 14-16-18-20 - 22 x Cal “”

Best 16-18-20-22-24 x Cal “”


Warm Up

Set BB Chest Press Heavy 10-15

Set DB or KB Step up Lunge Heavy 5 reps

5 rounds ~20’

1’ timer: 

30” to complete Max Rep Chest Press (you must work up to the 30” mark) 

30” to complete Max Rep Tempo Push Up on Toes (no bent knee) just modify depth

1’ timer:

5 per side heavy loaded step up to reverse lunge

90” Rest


4-5 Rounds 20’

30” 5 Plate loaded Burpees w/ overhead press

30” 10 unloaded burpees

30” Rest

30” 30 Air Squats

30” 15 Box Jumps

30” Rest

2’ 400 Meters

(earn your rest by getting the 400 m done early)

Friday https://www.youtube.com/live/Oj2bJhnPrjs?si=EcYwwyUoHDSI0tJ_

10” Buffer

1’ hit 10 Cal or something slow to moderate

1’ 3 laps running

1’ 10 lunge & 10 HR Push up

1’ Mobility

1’ hit 12 Cal or +2

1’ 4 laps running

1’ 10 lunge & 10 HR Push up

1’ Mobility

1’ hit 14 Cal or +2 

1’ 5 laps running

1’ 10 Loaded DB Lunge & 10 DB Push Press

1’ Mobility

3 Rounds

1’ hit 16 Cal or +2 = X

1’ 5 laps running

1’ 10 Loaded DB Lunge & 10 DB Push Press

3 Rounds

1’ hit 16 or X

1’ Max Rep (DB PUsh Up, DB R. Row, DB Clean, DB PUsh Press x 2)

1’ rest 

*Goal it to hit 15+ on the complex

3 Rounds

1’ 5 Laps running

1’ 5 DB Split Lunge Thruster per side & 5 DB Step Up

1’ rest 

3 Rounds

1’ hit 16 or X

1’ Max Rep 5 Burpee Box Jump & 5 Burpee Pull Up

1’ rest 


Week of 10/15/24


Week of 9/30/24