Week of 9/30/24

Monday https://www.youtube.com/live/3bsgdypt_LY?si=0XUB46nDy_wpOUa0

Warm Up

Set 85% of max Cal (hard and aggressive) could hold for 2’ but absolutely no more

24’ to complete the following:

15 DB Flr Chest Press

10/side loaded step Up (heavy…using DB CP load)

90% Cal in 1’ (add 2-4 Cal to 80% number) *know who you are!

*the point is to work hard at the strength…then rest to be sure you hit your number on the Cal…then rest again. 

Watch the time cap as a guideline

!!!!if you miss your goal number you have to re-do the entire round!!!

This is to assure you are reaching high and resting


With a partner


P1- 20 Heavy A. KB Swing

P2- Farmers Carry (+10lbs per hand from CP) Out & Back + 5 HR Push up

You must complete 5 rounds

You and your partner can pick 3 x 1’ rest periods at the same time


Warm Up 15’

Set back squat to load heavy for 15

Set 30” hard effort that could be held for 1 min

Set DB Clean and PRess load can do 10 but not 12

4 Rounds ~20

2’ to complete

10 Back Squats

10 Heavy Clean and Press

Right into

30” Hit number Cal from above

30” rest

30” Hit number Cal from above

1’ Rest on Rounds 1 and 2

90” Rest on Rounds 3 and 4


With A Partner

Complete 4 rounds 12’

EAch person has 90” to complete their work: No rest b/w

P1- Using a DB at least +10lbs from Clean and Press complete waiters walk out/back right arm and out back left arm

P2- 10 Jumping Pull Up (have a box that requires just a 2inch jump / 10 jumping push ups/ 20 Squat Jumps


800 meters

40 Box Jumps

@ the 6’ Mark start

800 meters

30 Box Jumps

40 HR Push Ups

@ the 13’ Mark start

400 meters

20 Box Jumps

30 HR Push Ups

40 Pull Ups

@ the 18’ Mark start

400 meters

10 Box Jumps

20 HR Push Ups

30 Pull Ups

40 Burpees

@ the 25’ Mark Rest for 2’

@ the 27 min Mark

400 meters

10 Box Jumps

10 HR Push Up

10 Pull Up

10 Burpee

@ the 30’ Mark be finished with everything


Warm Up

4-5 Rounds ~15-20’ depending on the vibe

After 1st round, pick 2 activities to add 2 reps each round per side

*load heavy for 5 but I’m certain you will find that you have some wiggle room and can add volume

Double KB Single leg RDL x 5 per side

Single Arm DB Chest Press x 5 per side

Single leg squat/ Pistol or to bench x 5 per side

Single Arm Arnold DB Press x 5 per side


Using the same loads from above

4-5  rounds, depending on the vibe

3’ to complete

20 Double KB R. Swing

10/side Single DB R. Row

10/side single arm DB Thruster

10 Cal A bike

1’ Rest

Friday https://www.youtube.com/live/-2eUB-V1R_U?si=aaFVzbSWOaVKqYLB


10 Round .25

Warm Up: Time Time 4’  

P1 - 2 minutes slow 

P2 - Prep Floor 

P1 - 2 minutes gauge 2’ distance (sustainable but tough)  

P2 - Prep Floor 


First Demo and then 30” of each counting reps but keep it casual.  *Again setting them up for 2’ cap expectations.  Tell them to think about what numbers they are chasing down. Give Cap numbers before they test for 30” marker and let them know to shoot for the cap and just see how close they get. 


Push up  


Pull Up 


Workout:(Talk about scaling… this is a challenge we are dosing up. Unlike treadmighty version 1, instead of seeing where you are at you are chasing down a lofty goal.--> chase fitness) 

10 Rounds (10” transition b/w Rounds) 

2’ Time Cap on Run 

.25 Run  

2’ Time Cap on Floor 

Round 1&6 – 50 KB Swing 

Round 2&7 – 50 Push Ups 

Round 3&8 – 70 Squats 

Round 4&9 – 30 Pull Ups 

Round 5&10 – 30 Burpees


Warm Up

3 Rounds Each (Every 2’ Alternating

W/ A Partner

P1 complete 25/18 Cal A. Bike

P2 Complete 

2 Sets of 

5 Pull Up

10 Push Up

15 Squat

Rest 2’

3 Rounds Each (Every 2’ Alternating)

W/ A Partner

P1 Complete 25/18 Calorie Row

P2 Complete

1 Set

10 Burpee

10 Box Jumps

5 Burpee

5 Box Jumps

Rest 2’

1 Round Each (Break this work up however you like)

W/ A Partner

Together complete: Broken up anyway you want.

100 Wall Ball each

50 BF Sit Ups each

Run .75 mile each


Week of 10/8/24


Week of 9/23/24