Week of 1/13/25

Fit Group 1/13-1/18/25


Warm Up

Get them to 90% of max effort on cardio and record Cal


Work Every 2’ for 5-7 Rounds

Front Squat x 10

DB Floor Chest Press x 10


7-9 Efforts

1’ Work @ a true 90% of max (set this up in the warm up)

2’ Rest

When your done, your done


Warm Up

5 Rounds 24’

2’ to complete

10 DB Chest Press

10 Strict Push up

10 DB Chest Press

3’ to complete

10 Double KB DL

10/s single KB Step Up

10 Double KB DL

1’ Rest

Groups of 3 18’

3 Rounds

P1- 20” A Bike: 40” Rest x 2

P2- 2’ to complete 

20 Box Jump & 10 Burpee

P3- 2’ to complete 

20 Loaded Leg Lowering & 10 Loaded sit up


Warm Up

1 mile finish by the 8’30” Mark @ 9’ Mark Start: 

Work 1’ Rest 20”

Leg crank

KB S American x 30

Leg Crank


Leg Crank


Leg Crank

KB Goblet Squat x 20

Leg Crank

KB Lunge Step x 20

Leg Crank

Rest the 20” and go right into: 

.50 mile @ the 4’15” Mark @ the 5’ Mark start: 

EMOM (no rest b/w)

KB Lunge Step x 20

KB Goblet Squat x 20

Burpee x 20


KB S American x 30

Give 1 extra minute to finish up


Warm Up: 6’


Banded Goodmorning w/ Posterior distraction x 10

Spiderman Lunge x 10

Then; 3-5’

Load BB for moderate DL for 5 Reps

6’ AMRAP Dynamic Warm Up

10 Cal

3 Inch worm push up

5 DL

6 hip opener push up with external hip rotation

Then; 3-5’

Load DB Hang Clean Very Heavy for 5 Reps


7 Rounds 16’

*get through a round every 2’-2’30”

5 Heavy DL

5 Heavy DB Hang Clean 

Training 12’

For Max Rep Burpee Bar Over

Every 2’ for 5 rounds

10 Cal

10 Back Rack Lunge


1’ Rest

Make a leaderboard w/ 3 options: 


2- Decline Push Up

3- Push Up


Workout Brief:

Warm Up 6’

2 Rounds

Banded front x 10

Seated hip Internal rotation x 10/s

Inch Worm x 5

Dynamic Warm Up 6’

X4 rounds

30” Jump Rope Sprint Drill for Turn over speed

15” rest

30” bike/run/row steady

15” rest

30” (2 Archer Push Up & 2 Archer pull up) x 2

Strength Training

X4 ~ 10’

5-10/s High Alternating strict press

10/s static split squat

10-15 empty BB snatch grip high pull

X4~ 10’

20 BB Hip Thrusts

5-10 Wheel of Death

15 high hang muscle snatch



2’ Max Cal Run

2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB

2’ Max Cal Row

2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB

2’ Max Cal Bike

2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB

2’ Max Cal Run

2’ to complete: 5 strict TTB - 20 Loaded Leg Lowering - 5 strict TTB

2’ Max Cal Row


Warm Up

Set 3’ Pace (make this aggressive) something you can do for 3’ but not 4’!


10’ 3-5 Rounds

DB Overhead Push Press x 10

DB Defeciet Push Up x 10

KTE x 10

Heavy KB Drag x 10/s

Training 32’

2’ run (same pace as warm up)

1’ Rest

1’ Max Rep KB Swing

1’ Rest

2’15” Run

1’ Rest

1’ Max Goblet Squat

1’ Rest

2’30” run

1’ rest

1’ Max Rep KB Swing

1’ rest

2’45” run

1’ rest

1’ Max Rep Burpee

1’ rest

3’ run

2’ rest

1’ Max Rep KB Swing

1’ Run

1’ Max Goblet Squat

1’ Run

1’ Max Rep Burpee


Week of 1/20/25


Week of 1/6/25