Week of 1/6/25
Fit Group 1/6 - 1/12/25
Monday https://www.youtube.com/live/rfaPy5PSeVY?si=p8JIfdpiGnS5w92J
Warm Up
30” slow cardio
1’ hip opener
30”moderate cardio
1’ shoulder mobility
1’ 85% cardio on something you don’t usually do (see video)
KB Russian Swing x 15
Double KB Swiing heavier x 10
12-15 minutes to set load and AMPRAP
Deadlift & Narrow Chest Press/Narrow Push Up
Deadlift 5-10 Reps
Narrow Chest Press x 10 right into 10-15 Narrow Push ups
3 Rounds
2’ to complete each round
X Cal & 20 double KB Swing
Round 1 = 0 push ups after KB Swing
Round 2 = 5 push ups after KB Swing
Round 3 = 10 push ups after KB Swing
Rest 2’
3 Rounds
2’ to complete each round
X Cal & 16 double KB Lunge
Round 1 = 0 push ups after KB Swing
Round 2 = 5 push ups after KB Swing
Round 3 = 10 push ups after KB Swing
Rest 2’
3 Rounds
2’ to complete each round
X Cal & 10 double DB Burpee
Round 1 = 0 push ups after KB Swing
Round 2 = 5 push ups after KB Swing
Round 3 = 10 push ups after KB Swing
Warm Up
Strength ~26’
2 Rounds
3’ for each round
BB Floor Chest Press x 10
DB Loaded Step Up x 10/s
1’ Rest
2 Rounds
4’ for each round
BB Floor Chest Press x 10 + 10 Push Up
DB Loaded Step Up x 10/s + 10/side Static Front Rack DB Lunge
1’ Rest
2 Rounds
5’ for each round
BB Floor Chest Press x 10 + 10 Push Up + 10 Pull Ups
DB Loaded Step Up x 10/s + 10/side Static Front Rack DB Lunge + 10 per side med ball hamstring roll
3 Rounds EMOM Alternating (~12’)
30 Wall Ball
10 R. Row Push Up
17/15 Cal Run
1’ Rest
5 Rounds
Work every 3 minutes
Deficit Lunge x 10/s (DBs in Suitcase) *at least half body weight total
Floor Chest Press x 10
Pull Up x 5
15’ Cap
800-meter Buy In
50 Burpee
50 Box Jump
50 Push Up
800 meter Cash Out
EMOMx 10
10 DB Hang Clean & 10 strict Push Up
Rest 2’
EMOM x 5
10 DB Thruster & 5 Pull Up
Rest 2’
10 Efforts (leader board anything above 50/30 Cal goes up) Abike only
10” A bike Max Cal : 50” Rest
Rest 2’
EMOM x 5
7 DB Burpee & 5 Toes To Bar
Prep: https://www.youtube.com/live/97qHY_5eTZ0?si=gExiIptMSAQ_r9pp
3 minutes building every 1 minute to end at 2’ max pace
Floor Prep:
Chest Press
R. Row
Floor Wiper
Push Press
Tread: 9’30”
2’ Max Distance
2’ Rest
2’ Max (match)
90” Rest
2’ Max (match)
1’ Rest
2’ Max (match)
Rest 1’
4’ Max Rep
25 DB Chest Press
25 DB Renegade Rows
Rest 1’
4’ Max Rep
25 DB Floor Wipers
25 DB Thruster
Rest 1’
3’ Max Rep
25 DB Single Loaded Sit Ups
25 DB Thruster
Rest 90”
Tread: 9’00”
2’ Max Distance
1’ Rest
2’ Max (match)
60” Rest
2’ Max (match)
2’ Rest
2’ Max (match)
Rest 1’
4’ Max Rep
25 DB Pusht Press
25 DB Loaded Sit Ups
Rest 1’
4’ Max Rep
25 DB complex: Push Up x 1, R. Row x 1, Burpee x 1, Push Press x 1, Lunge x 1/s
In Remaining Time, hold wall sit
Rest 1’
3’ Max Rep
25 DB Single Loaded Sit Ups
25 DB Thruster
Warm Up
2’ moderate run/row
2-4 Rounds
Hollow 20”
Arch 10”
*speak of these as positions that you need to do TTR
Squat 20”
Squat Jump 10”
*speak of jumping and landing feet and knees (especially on the jump)
2 Rounds of each per person
3 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
21 KB Swing
21 Burpee
Row Max Calories
Rest 2’
3 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
21 Pull Up
Bike Max Calories
Rest 2’
2 Rounds of each per person
3 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible
21 Wall Ball
21 Toes To Bar
Max Rep Box Jump
Rest 2’
3 minutes Max Distance