Week of 5/6/24
Warm Up 10’
2’ mono
3 Sets
Squat10 x Squat hold x 10”
Push Ups 10 x high plank x 10”
3 Sets
Squat to target as low as possible x 10
Hollow Hold x 20”
Dynamic Warm Up 6’
2-3 rounds
Partner Fan A bike Foam Roller Race (roller on box)
PVC Overhead Lunge x 10
Load Front Squat 6’
Strength 10’
Time Cap 10 Minutes
One of the most powerful and demanding lifts on the midline when loaded correctly.
The time cap needs to be a driver here!!! 30” to 60” rest
7 Sets of 7-12 Front Squats
Short Metcon 6’ Cap (should be done in 5’)- (this has to be fast, aggressive and very potent! Get on people to move fast)
This is still strength Work
21-15-9 x Reps
Front Squat (tough for 15-20)
HR Push Up
Rest 4’
Long Metcon 14’ Cap
30”:30” Bike
w/ a partner Close out 100/80 Cal on a bike
Then go solo
30 Pull Up
40 Burpee
50 Box Jump
Tuesday 5/7/24
Warm Up
200 meter row
200 meter run
2 Sets
Squat to squat jump x 10/5 (in wall ball prep- remind them that they will have to jump to get the ball high enough.
Push Up toe tap x 3/ side
Prep and Load:
30” : 30” x 6
2 for 1 wall ball x 5-7 (scale to 2 for 1 with half squat, last resort scale to high wall ball)
Rest 2’
30” : 30” x 6
Row Calories (lowest score in any single effort is score) *set up rowers for tracking work and rest.
Short Metcon-
3 Rounds *2 minutes to complete each round with 1 minute rest between.
KB Swing x 18 (heavier than ever before)
Push up x 16
Box Jump x 14
Rest 2’
Long Metcon-
4 Rounds
500 meter row
15 KB High Pull
10 Burpee Pull Up
Warm Up
2’ mono
3 Sets
Good morning x 5
KB RDL x 5
Push Up x 5
KB Deadlift x 5
Explain the loading for what you are doing now is for the mtecons:
Overhead squat practice w/ PVC and then 5’ to build to heavy for 15 reps (sub ovhd lunge or step up)
KB Swing heavy 20-30 reps
Jump Rope Practice the single x 20 and double under x 5
Use the same load as the ovhd squat to practice the lunge step
Time Cap 10 Minutes
You can load this heavy and deadlift or if you lack the skill or desire then do an RDL. YOu will have to know how to speak to this so you don’t make anyone left out. RDL is more hamstring but doesn’t give us the hormonal response to heavy loads. This isn’t for time because we want you to just take a minute and focus on what it feels like to go heavy on this. Pay attention to how much you have to focus on stability. Removing the timepiece should allow for you to compete and focus more on load.
You should start with the load on your bar as warm up.
7 Sets of 7-12 Deadlift
Short Metcon- (again, they have to understand the movements are simple, so the only place to pull intensity is speed and load. If they aren’t up for it then they may be better off with a straight run or row for max distance 5 minutes)
3 Rounds For Time @ the 12’ Mark Rest 2’ and move to last section
Overhead squat x 10 (this could become a lunge step overhead)
Box Jump Over x 15
(2’ Rest)
1 round
30 double unders
40 Sit ups
50 Double unders
60 BB Lunge STeps (same load as overhead squat)
60 KB Swing
50 Double Unders
40 KB High Pull
30 Double Unders
Thursday 5/9/24
Warm Up 10’
2’ mono
1-2 rounds
Bar Hang 1’
Foam Roller Hip Impingement Release 1’ per side
Plate counter load Squat x 10
90/90 single leg extensions x 10/side
Dynamic Warm Up 8’
90” building towards mile pace and seeing how you feel
Foam Rolling I.T. 30” per side
Tall Kneeling DB Overhead Press 10/s
Kipping on bar for shoulder warm up x 10 *also use this to teach kipping
Conditioning- 8’ cap (remember to talk about why) 55 + years of age 7’30” mile = 30% less risk of cardiovascular disease.
1 mile TT or 2K Row
**look at the wall for age and gender norms!!
Rest 4’
3-4 rounds
Tall kneeling Upside Down overhead Press x 10 per side
Foam Roller Hip impingement Release (optional)
Waiters Walk 1 lap
90/90 single leg hip extension x 10 per side
GHD Sit up x 20
EMOM x 3-5 Rounds
1 x Leg Crank (10 of each- sq, sq jump, lunge, lunge Jump)
10 Cal
1’ Plank
Warm Up 6’
Same warm up from yesterday. To show you that we do good things on Thursdays
2’ mono
1-2 rounds
Bar Hang 1’ + 5 Wall Ball
Foam Roller Hip Impingement Release 1’ per side
Plate counter load Squat x 10 + 5 SDLHP KB + 5 Thruster KB
90/90 single leg extensions x 10/side
Demo Floor Wiper KB
This is specifically designed for order from power to endurance….so be patient. Remember that if all you have is one speed and that speed is not fast, you are losing fast twitch muscle fibers. So focus on power and moving fast.
4 Rounds Power 6’’
*rest as needed
Box Jumping and Cardio for Power
3 - 5 Box Jumps for Max Height (only padded)
10” Massive Sprint bike or Run
Short Metcon 6’
3 Rounds 6 minute time cap
Wall Ball x 30
Rest 2-4’
Long Metcon
3 Rounds for time 21’ Cap
20 KB Goblet Squat
10 KB Thruster
800 meter run
10 Chest to bar Pull Ups or the most challenging variation. Use high boxes for jumping
20 KB Floor Wipers
Saturday 5/11/24
Warm Up
Partner Workout (44’ total)
3 Round each for Max Rep and Distance (18’)
P1 Run 2’ Max Distance
Rest 1’
P2 Max Rep 2’
KB Swing x 15
Push Up x 15
Rest 1’
Rest 2’
3 Round each for Max Rep and Distance (13’30”)
P1 Run 90” Max Distance 4%
Rest 45’
P2 Max Rep 90”
KB Push Press x 15
KTE x 10
Rest 45”
Rest 2’
3 Round each for Max Rep and Distance (9’)
P1 Run 1’ Max Distance
Rest 30”’
P2 Max Rep 1’
KB Squat Clean x 10
Sit Up x 15
Rest 30”
2’ run or row
5 Sets 10 min cap
DB Deficiet Push Up x 10
Single leg squats or Pistol x 3-5/side
Slow Eccentric Toes to Bar x 5