Week of 5/13/24
10 Med Ball Squat Clean
5 Cal
5 HR Push up
Front Squat
Load Heavy for 10-20 very challenging 5’
Work with a Parner. Load will be the same but reps don’t have to be the same:
Take 30” to do as many Reps as possible on a steady tempo
Add Reps together for total team reps
10 Rounds
60sec per round to work: 1min to rest *you can work into your rest if needed
Complete total team reps each round
*don’t change load. Work as a team to help each other out.
Short Metcon
4 Rounds 16 minute Cap
Plate Deficiet Push up x 15
Calories 15/10
Pull Ups 15 kipping, 17 jumping, 19 bands
Double Unders 30
Warm Up 6’
90” Pick Up w/ intention changing pace every 30”
1 Round
Spiderman Lunge 60”
KB Adductor 30”/side
Band Hamstring PNF 30” side
Dynamic Warm Up 2’
Pick 3 measurables:
30”: 10” to reset, clear and create next measurable
(each for 30”)
Slow recover
Sustain (very aggressive 1 mile pace)
Redline (all out)
Strength 15-20’
4 Rounds
High Box Step Up DB loaded x 10/s
DB Narrow Chest Press x 15
Heavy Band Arm Push Downs x 15
Bottom of Dip Hold Push Press x 10
Conditioning/Core 25’
2 Sets *have a measurable for each!
30” Redline
30” rest
30” recovery
30” sustain
30” rest
5’ core work
Alternating w/ a partner
Plyo sit ups x 45’
BB Russian twist x 45” (fast, dynamic, aggressive, pivot)
Plank together x 30”
2 Sets
30” Redline
30” rest
30” redline
30” sustain
30” recover
5’ core work
Alternating w/ a partner
Plyo sit ups x 45’
BB Russian twist x 45”
Plank together x 30”
Pre- Training Movement 10’
3 Rounds
Banded Good Morning x 10 *anchored at feet and around neck
Bike Box Hip Extension hold x 10-20”
Hamstring banded PNF x 20” per side
A different way to load the deadlift
Warm Up - 10 minutes each round heavier get through 5-6 Rounds and finish w/ a deadlift load moderate for 5 reps
Bike- 7/5 Cal
Deadlift x 5
Bracing shoulder tap plank x 10
Part 1- 12 minutes *make sure the warm up includes deadlift and get the group to a place that feels moderate for 5 reps, then roll this right into;
Deadlift & Burpee EMOM Alt Min.
DL x 5 Reps & Burpee x 5
Increase load each minute or if you can’t increase reps by 1 each time
Burpee goes up by 1 each round *you will go into your deadlift
Part 2- 6 minute time cap
30/20 Calories
40 Wall Ball
20/15 Calories
Part 3- 6 minutes time cap
30 Box Jumps
20 Med Ball Squat Cleans
30 Box Jumps
Thursday 5/16/24
Warm Up 10’
2 Rounds
Thread the needle w/ T-spine rotation
KB Psoas Release *could also be done w/ a KB and LX ball under it
1’ cardio slow to moderate
Dynamic Warm Up
*after this decide how you feel and what you want to do
KB Russian Swing x 15
Hollow Arch on Bar x 10
Cardio x however you feel, but get out of breath and pay attention to when breathing pattern changes
15-20’ 3-5 Rounds depending on interest . Strength/Core/Mobility/Metcon *everything you could possibly want or not want, so skip it if it doesn’t work for you.
DB Chest Fly on Floor x 15-20
DB Back Fly on Bench x 15-20
Banded Frog Stretch x 1’
Hanging Ab KTE tempo (1’ Up: Hold 2’: Down 2’) x 10
Cardio 1’ Effort options (for recovery or for work)
Short Metcon
12-minute cap
3 Rounds
50-40-30 x Reps of
KB Swings
After each round;
Run 400 meters
Revisit Workout
This is Treadmighty from FlyFeet! Hang on!!
Warm Up: Time Time 4’
P1 - 2 minutes slow
P2 - Prep Floor
P1 - 2 minutes gauge 2’ distance (sustainable but tough)
P2 - Prep Floor
First Demo and then 30” of each counting reps but keep it casual. *Again setting them up for 2’ cap expectations. Tell them to think about what numbers they are chasing down. Give Cap numbers before they test for 30” marker and let them know to shoot for the cap and just see how close they get.
Push up
Pull Up
Workout:(Talk about scaling….)
10 Rounds (10” transition b/w Rounds)
2’ Time Cap on Run
.25 Run
2’ Time Cap on Floor
Round 1&6 – 50 KB Swing
Round 2&7 – 50 Push Ups
Round 3&8 – 70 Squats
Round 4&9 – 30 Pull Ups
Round 5&10 – 30 Burpees
Saturday 5/18/24
Warm Up-
2’ Row bike Run -
2’ of inch worm - hip opener
Practice TRX curl up & loaded step up
1’ Row bike run
Practice TTR & Plyo Sit ups against wall
13 minutes Conditioning:
Can you complete the following in 13 minutes
15 minute cap
5’ Max Distance
2” Rest
3’ Max Distance
2’ Rest
1’ Max Distance
Score =
Treads any distance above 1.30 miles
Row/Bike/Assault 130/100
13 minutes Strength:
Station 1
TRX Curl Up x 10-15
Push Up x 20
Loaded Step Up x 10/side
Station 2
X 15 TTB
X 15 Plyo sit ups
X 15 Seasaw Planks
10 Minute Metcon
5 Rounds 10’ Cap
20 Wall Ball
15 Burpee
10 Box Jump
10 minutes of Mobility:
1 Round:
2’ each
P1- Roller (4’ I.T Bands)
P2- LX Ball (4’ Glute)
P3- BB Shoulder Smash (4’ shoulder)