Week of 6/17/24
Warm up
Cardio 1’
Hip opener
Cardio 1’
Hip opener
Cardio 1’
Dynamic squat drill
5 Rounds
30” Heavy set of 5 back squat
30” Light load chest press endurance max reps move quickly
30” rest
Right into;
5 Rounds
30” Heavy set of 5 back squat
30” moderate load R. Row Max reps
30” rest
Partner Core Work (make this work) 30” transitions
2-3 Rounds
Sling shot sit ups 1’
Teaser partner toss side by side 1’
Partner plank hold 1’
Metcon 15’
1’ 85% Calorie Max
1’ 10 Squat 10 squat jump, 10 lunge, 10 lunge jump = leg crank
1’ rest
1’ +2 Cal
75” leg crank
1’ + 2 cal
1’ rest
1’ +2 Cal
90” Leg crank
1’ Rest
If one more round is needed go back to top or continue to build
Go straight into this and be aggressive with it
2 Rounds
5 Cal
10 hip opener push ups alternating sides
2 Rounds
5 Cal
10 spiderman hip opener push ups alt. Sides
Prep a static lunge heavy heavy for 10 per side
Try the load w/ a deficit lunge
Prep a single leg double arm KB RDL heavy 10/side
Every 4 minute complete:
10 per side Deficit Lunge
10 Per side 1 Leg KB RDL
10 total Archer Push ups
This should be extremely painful but short.
Think “just make it through 3 rounds 1 round at a time”
Use the Same DB’s or heavier
3 Rounds (should barley be able to hang on for 3 rounds)
90” to complete
10 Push Press
10 Burpee
10 Cal
30” Rest
Rest 2-4
Use the Same KB or heavier
3 Rounds (should barley be able to hang on for 3 rounds)
90” to complete
8 KB Squat Clean
8 KB Sprawl High Pull
8 Cal
30” Rest
40’ EMOM For Max Laps Farmers Carry
100 Wall Ball
ODD- Work
Even - 5 Burpee + 1 each minute
1 mile Run
100 KB Swing
ODD- Work
Even - 5 Burpee + 1 each minute
1 mile Row
50 Box Jump
ODD- Work
Even - 5 Burpee + 1 each minute
In Remaining Time
Farmers Carry
ODD - Work
Even - 8 Burpee - 2 Each round
Mobility Prep
5 Rounds 15-20’
15-20 DB Floor PRess
Pull Up most challenging variation to failure
20 Plate loaded Sit up
5 Rounds
Work every 4 minutes
5 DB Push up
5/S DB R. Row
5 DB Burpee
5 DB Hang Clean
5 DB Front Squat
5/S DB Lunge Step
200 meters
*each round go up by 5lbs or 2 Reps (per side)
Warm Up
50 Back Squat
50 Front Squat
50 Lunge Step
All @ the same load manageable for 20 back squats no more
Every minute 1 HR Push Up + 1 every minute
Once you get to the lunge step switch to burpee instead of push up
Rest ~2’
Every 2’ Work
5 Clean & Press Single Arm DB + 10 Cal A Bike or 12 Cal Run
Each round go up by 1 Clean and Press
*heavy load key (heavy for 5-7)
Rest ~2’
Can you finish the following in 3’:
12 Burpee Pull-Up
14 Burpee Box Jump
16 Burpee
Warm Up
2 Rounds
X 10 Push Up - elbows in at bottom position *this is how you catch the ball on wall ball and how you receive the bar on the thruster, it’s how you pull on the row...Make sure you don’t flair elbows or you get tendonitis
X 10 Squat
Share all the work and close each activity out before moving to the next:
150 wall ball (work at the same time)
1500 meter row (P1- 250 meter, P2- Rest, switch)
150 KB Swing (work at the same time)
1 mile run (P1- .25, P2- Rest, switch)
150 Thruster 45/35
1000 meter row (P1- 250 meter, P2- Rest, switch)
100 KB Swing (work at the same time)
.50 mile run (P1- .25, P2- Rest, switch)
100 wall ball (work at the same time)