Week of 7/1/24
WArm up
1’ cardio slow-moderate
Dynamic Hamstring
Hip opener
Inch worm
Cardio 1’ faster
Graded multi-stage step testing (fit style)
*record this on the white board
Treads A Runner
12 minute test EMOM
1 burpee - 12/10 Calories
2 burpee - 12/10 Calories
Finish @ 12 burpees - 12/10 Calories
*if/when you fail rest remainder that minute and the next if you wish and then go back to the last one you successfully finished and do 1 minute on 1 minute off.
A Bike
12 minute test EMOM
1 burpee - 12/10 Calories
2 burpee - 12/10 Calories
Finish @ 12 burpees - 12/10 Calories
*if/when you fail rest remainder that minute and the next if you wish and then go back to the last one you successfully finished and do 1 minute on 1 minute off.
Row (set up rowers so PM3/5 shows minute to minute)
12 minutes EMOM
12/10 Calories
Up by 1 calorie each minute
*if/when you fail rest remainder that minute and the next if you wish and then go back to the last one you successfully finished and do 1 minute on 1 minute off.
Core work-
EMOM - 6 minutes
Core- coaches choice
Plank- high
Plank- low
Plank- walking
Warm up
Be specific to the deadlift- dig into this and make it meaningful for people. Most people don't have enough tension in the system to handle heavy or they don’t understand position and set up.
Cardio: (coaches pick a hip hinge hip opener activity and over the course of 5-8 rounds increase the speed and dynamic nature of the 30” activity)
*remember your 30” fastest calories
Then load;
Lift- take 12-15 minutes (if you can’t load heavy mix in cardio or core)
3 x 3-5 deadlift (record at the board)
*build into this
3-5 light
3-5 moderate
3-5 heavy
3-5 heavier
3-5 heaviest might not make it (this is heavy for each individual, could be 3 reps heavy or 15 reps heavy)
Deadlift and Sprint (optional)
5 Rounds
30” Deadlift (whatever your number, but hit that number each time 1’ rest or 30” sprint during 1’)
Assist lift
5 Rounds
Rear foot elevated split squat DB’s or front-loaded w/ plate x 10/s
Heavy strict upright row/high pull x 5-10
Short Metcon-(Partner)
7 Rounds
P1- 60” to complete
Same number from above deadlift
5 Pull up
5 burpee
P2- 60” to complete
Your 30” Calories from earlier
Revisit (print white board)
Revisit (print white board)
FYI- Thrusters coming 2 days in a Row & burpees 3 days in a row
Lyndin B Johnson
Civil Rights Act 7/11/1964
FDR nomination domocartic party
6/ 27/ 1936
North Atlantic treaty
20th Century American History Lessons:
*divide into 2 groups Lesson 1 and 2 (switch) together go through lesson 3
*room set up- black top thrusters, pull ups, kb black top
Lesson 1
Civil Rights Act
*time cap 12-14 minutes
Buy in 19 Bar Over Burpee
5 Rounds
7 Thruster (heavy for 5-10)
11 Pull Ups
Cash out 64 KB Swing
*room set up- Abike turf near wall facing east, squats to target facing bike, box j on turf before pull up bar
Lesson 2
FDR Nomination
*time cap 12-14 minutes
Buy in 19 Burpee
6 Rounds
6 Calorie A Bike (could be a row)
27 Air Squats
Cash out 36 Box Jumps
*room set up- clear bikes and thrusters, push boxes to east black top and west turf wall, rowers outside
Lesson 3
North Atlantic Treaty
*10-12 minute Cap here
Buy in 19 Push Up
7 Rounds
4 Burpee box Jumps
4 Burpee Pull Ups
Cash out 49 Calories rowing
Part 1
5 Rounds
15 Minutes Building to heavy chest press and complete 5 x 5
After each effort Row 1’ max Calories
Part 2
EMOM x 10 Minutes
Alternating Minutes
Box Jump x 10
Right into 5 Minutes EMOM (this is the last 5 minutes of our burpee challenge)
1- Wall Ball x 14
2- Wall Ball x 15
3- Wall Ball X 17
4 Wall Ball x 19
5- Wall Ball X 1
Part 3
If we need a finisher here:
Groups of 3-5
A Bike- P1
Plank while out of breath -p2
Rest P3,P4,P5
*make it a race (first team to _____________)
Just write
Chest Press
A Bike
Load the back squat Heavy for 10-12
Load the A bike for aggressive 30” effort
Load Heavy for Chest Press for Body weight 10-15 Reps
Practice TTB
5 Sets of back squats doing 5 reps each until you hit ~55% of 1RM or really heavy for 10-12 reps on a single effort
3 Sets x 5 of the DB Chest Press on Floor or Bench working up to heavy for body weight or 10-15 Reps
Write your loads down and you can’t change them!!!
*there is no time domain on this workout. You stay until you finish.
Go until you get 50 Back Squats accumulative:
Max Rep Back Squat every time you break-
30” A Bike @ pre-set Cal
On first miss do 1 effort 30” A Bike
On second miss do 2 efforts 30” A Bike
So on until you get 50 Back Squats
*should take 3-5 efforts!
*you can share A bikes with 4 or so people because you shouldn't be able to hit your Cal in back to back efforts
*.every time you miss a Cal on the A bike take 2 squats away from your total
*if you have to lower your weight subtract 1 squat for every 1 lbs you go down.
Part 2
Go until you get 50 Chest Press accumulative:
Max Rep DB Chest Press every time you break-
10 TTB (add 2 each time you break)
*should take 4-6 efforts!
Part 3
Groups of 3 set up by a coach
P1- Row 45”
15” transition
Rotate through until you hit 1200 meters
During rest complete 8 burpee and 12 sit ups