Week of 6/3
Fit 6/3-6/9/24
Tread or Row
2’ slow to moderate
4 Sets
Squat w/ BB or PVC on Back x 5 (talk about low bar and high bar) *build to heavy for a single set of 10 still able to move the load quickly for 5 reps
Push up w/ Toe Tap x 2 per side
Any hip opener 20” side
A-lactic Sets - specific work on getting faster, this should be FAST
15” work: 45” Rest x 7
*talk to them about being patient. You don’t always have to get crushed right away. As a matter of fact A-lactic training provides a very potent CNS stimulant and doesn’t feel metabolic.
** Can do this on bike, row, or tread, but should have the skill to get on and off fast with moving belt.
Power Sets (could switch this to something else more metabolic- burpees, jump rope, ..)
*this has to be loaded heavy! Could be same load just moving slower.
Back Squat 30” : 30” rest
Get to 70 in 10 sets or less
Tread: (coach has to drive intensity here)
Max Distance
2’ work: 2’ rest
2’ work: 90” rest
2’ work 2’ rest
2’ work :
2’ slow to fast
2 quick sets: 3 pull-up, 5 push-up, 10 squat
International shoulder rotation band stretch
Hip Opener
Then, teach:
Burpee Pull-up
KB Swing (*heavy for 20-25)
KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
For Max Reps: (teach and load heavy for 5-8 reps) (make note that a rack should not be used because you can clean this load or just say pick this load up.
Push Press
15” work: 30” rest x 10 efforts
Set max Reps on first set and try and stay close to it (basically do the math by multiplying x 10 and setting the goal of total reps) Don’t tell them beforehand rather turn the music off during the first 30” rest and give them this info)
Power Sets
Burpee Pull Up
15” work : 30” rest x 10 efforts
*Set Max reps on first set and try and stay close to it
(scale to burpee with jump and touch)
4 Rounds
Max Rep KB Swing x 1’
Rest 1’
Max Rep KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 1’
Rest 1’
Max Distance Row or Run 2’
Rest 1’
Warm Up
2 min. Cardio
3 Sets
X 2 push up x 1 jumping push up (talk about receiving position w/ elbow bent)
X 3 squat x 2 squat jump (same landing position w/ knee bent)
7 Rounds (time cap) (10 minutes?) *rest is mandatory because we want speed and the challenge is once fatigue sets in….stay fast and work under fatigue!
Box Jump x 10
Rest 20”
Jumping Push up x 10
Rest 10”
*Teach and load for Thruster heavy for 5 reps (these sets might be broken), then have them use the same load for the front squat. Again, racks are not needed unless there are limitations.
5 Rounds
Max Rep 30” BB Thruster: 1’ rest (go heavy!!)
Rest 2’
5 Rounds
Max Rep 45” Front Squat : 45” rest
Rest 3’
5 rounds
Max Cal 1’ Row : 30” rest
*note that you need to address that fact that our largest recovery comes with the least volume in work, and that’s because it should be the greatest in intensity or power output.
Thursday Partner
Warm Up
2’ slow then building to fast
Hamstring PNF
Shin to wall
Dead Hang
4 x 20” on:20” off building to find 30” all-out sprint pace
Power Sets P1
Prep body weight lunge step and burpee
Load heavy DB lunge *this has to be loaded heavy! Take 3 sets to load - 5 reps something light, 4 reps moderate, 3 reps heavier than you have done before (if not lunge step maybe sub step up or alternating chest press on floor)
10 rounds Power Sets
30” work: 30” rest Heavy BB/DB Lunge Step (135)
Get to 100 lunges and 45 burpees
*You have 10 sets to get the lunges in, but you need to get 45 burpees somewhere - interspersed or at the end.
*The first 30” can ONLY be lunges. You can use your resting 30” to work on burpees OR if you finish lunges before 15 rounds, use all of the remaining time to finish out the burpees.
2’-4’ rest read your crowd
15 Rounds
30” sprint: 30” rest - lowest speed is score, so start aggressive and work to hang on for as long as you can
4 minutes - 1’ slow, 1’ fast, 1’ slow, 1’ faster
*Again, a lot of this work is on the floor, but they will get a chance at the end to run very hard. They need to get warmed up well here and be prepared for 90” efforts at the end.
Hollow and Arch on Bar x 5 (scale to floor hollow rock x 10)
Now show KTE on Bar and let them try *focus on shoulders and head through
*use the racks and share w/ someone if needed
Chest Press - HEAVY!! Shouldn’t be able to get more than 20 in a set, could take a few sets to get them loaded (“something moderate… now go heavier…” if it feels right.)
KB Swing - heavy for 20-25
Time Cap 15’
Get to 80 Reps Chest Press *should be heavy for 15-20, can't get more than 20
*every time they break - mandatory 90” in which they have to complete KTE x 15
Rest 3’ and clear room
5 Rounds
2 minute Cap
KB Swing x 25
Push up x 20
Rest 1’
Max Distance 90”
Rest 1’
Saturday (partner)
Warm Up
5’-6’ building to something that feels fast for 1’ Max Speed
Shoulder Tap Push-Up → R. Row *midline stability, torque at shoulder
Teach push press and overhead lunge
Put DB complex together - push up, R. Row, clean, push press, overhead lunge
7 Rounds for Max Reps
1’ to complete the following complex: 30” Rest
X 4
DB Push Up
DB R. Row
DB Clean (may not need to teach this, it should just naturally happen)
DB Push Press
DB Overhead Lunge
7 Rounds for Max Distance
1’ sprint work: 1’ rest (lowest speed is score)