week of 5/20

Monday 5/20

Warm Up-8’

45” Run or Row 9 Cal

10/side banded Lunge

30” Bar Hang

45” Run or Row 11 Cal

10/side Cossak Squat 

30” Bar Hang

Strength 6’

Front Squat

5 minutes to build to something heavy for 10-15

EMOM x 14 Minutes

Odd or Even - 1st minute, go to the 40” mark and count reps. Each minute add 1 or 2 Reps. If you go over the minute, the next minute, start back at 1st round number.

Even or Odd - deficit Push Ups x 5-10 + 1 or 2 each minute

Rest 2’

EMOM x 10 Minutes 

Odd or Even - 8-10 back rack lunge steps per side

Even or Odd - 10-15 Pull Ups Alternating ODD or Even 10-15 Burpee

*give them the freedom to make this work for themselves with load and volume.  Should have 20” or less on the minute if load and volume incorrect

Rest 2’

Pick one:

Leader Board!!!

Death by Rowing

 45”:25” rest

 Start @ 9 Cal 

*continue to build by 2 calories each minute

Death by Run

 45”:25” rest 

Start @ 9 Cal 

*continue to build by 2 calories each minute

Tuesday 5/21

Warm Up 6’

Bar hang 30”

Cardio 30”

Kipling drills

Strength- 4 round

2’ for max rep Tri dips: 30” rest

Double KB High RDL x 20

Forward Lateral Raises x 20

Tri Dip Feet Elevated x max reps in time remaining 

Round 1

2’ - 90% effort track distance (I can complete this but I’ve got more)*encourage people to stick to a single speed.

Rest 1’


Complete as many rounds as possible of: min 4 rounds

5 TTB & 5 Teasers

Rest 1’- 

Round 2

2’ - same distance start 5” delayed and must hit same distance. 

Rest 1’ 


Complete as many rounds as possible of:

5 TTB & 5 Teasers

Rest 1’- 

Round 3- 10” late start

Core 2’= min 2 rounds

 Loaded Reverse Crunch x 10 & seated plate Russian twist x 20

Round 4- 15” late start

Core 2’= min 2 rounds

 Loaded Reverse Crunch x 10 & seated plate Russian twist x 20

Round 5- 20” late start

Then death by burpee


Starting at 10 up by 2 

Wednesday 5/22

Warm up 10’

1’ Cardio

Wide push up x 5

Shoulder mobility

Scap Push up x 5

Shoulder mobility

Ankle mobility

Hip mobility

5 Rounds Strength 15-minute cap (this is very tight on purpose.  Stay connected)

Chest Press x 12 Heavy

Renegade row x 12 (must be heavier than the CP…we can pull more than we can push)

Single leg loaded DB Squat to target x 5/s alt.

BB Russian Twist heavy loaded x 10/s 

EMOM 6 minutes

DB Complex

2 DB Push 

2 DB Burpee

2 DB Clean

Up by 2 each minute until failure

Rest 1’ 

Go back down

*if you go over the minute rest the remainder and go back down the next minute starting from where you fniished.

Take 2 minutes to go over the Thruster (LEGIT Heavy for 15) 95/65

Find your edge- hit failure

EMOM 6 minutes

Thruster (this should be a strong potent stimulus that you are nervous to go for...like a sprint!)

10,12,14,16,18,20 (nobody should make this!!)

*continue to build until failure

*once you get to failure either rest or go back to the bottom

Rest 2’

EMOM 6 minutes

Pull Up

8,10,12,14,16,18 (nobody should make this!!)

*trx, band, jumping - 16, 18,20, 22, 24, 26, ???

*continue to build until failure

*once you get to failure either rest or go back to the bottom

Thursday 5/23


5 Rounds 20-minute tim cap

BB Bench Press (share benches) x 15

Loaded Step Up x 10/s

KB Gorilla Row x 10/s

1’ Max Calorie Row (find someone to share a rower with and combine your total calories for each round as a score)

*load for 30 heavy for KB Swing

Death by KB Swing (remember that this will be a sudden type of death and that we will have to encourage people to push through last 2-3 minutes when they think they can’t go any higher)

KB Swing

Minute 1 - 10 reps

Minute 2 - 12 Reps

Minute 3 - 14 Reps

So on, until failure

Rest 2’ (this doesn’t seem like a lot of rest, but in the interest of not losing people's attention we need to keep moving because the first 3-4 minutes is boring, so they can recover while they start on the next element. 

Death by Wall Ball

Minute 1 - 10 reps

Minute 2 - 12 Reps

Minute 3 - 14 Reps

So on, until failure

Rest 3-5’ 

Friday 5/24

Warm Up

6 minutes

2’ slow

2’ moderate


3 sets

Dynamic leg swing x 5/s

Inch work x 3

Toe tap push up x 3/side

2’ work hard but don’t kill it.  85% of max based on 2’ effort (write distance down)

Strength Part 1-

5 Rounds 12 minutes cap

X 12 Push Press & 6 Narrow Push Up 

X 14 DB Loaded Lunge Alternating & 14 DB Split Squat (7per side)

Each Round add 60 second onto the run, row, or bike

3 Rounds total

Round 1 -  2’ x 2 distance

Rest 2’

Round 2 - 3’  x 3 distance

Rest 3’

Round 3 - 4’ x 4 distance

*if you find your edge, and you should, bring speed down as minimally as possible. Then start next round at the lowest speed you were at on previous round.

Strength Part 2

Until u fail

Emom 12’

1 man maker

Failure = rest 1’

Go down until cap


Week of 6/3


week of 5/27