Week of 8/12/24
2’ warm up slow
2 sets
(long stroke lunge 5/ side & single leg stiff leg reach x 5/side)
2’ building from slow to fast pace
OVHD Lunge and load (1 arm) and loaded sit up
Prep: Time
Complex : (Heavy to Moderate)
Push Press
Front Squat
Overhead lunge
The Workout: Time
10 minutes to complete 6 sets of the following complex
Each set has a 1’ cap
Front Squat x 8
Thruster x 6
Push Press x 4
2’ rest
4 Rounds
2’ max distance (try writing this down on the floor and see how it changes your motivation)
rest 1’
2 minutes to complete
OVHD Loaded lunge x 10/s (20 total) (using same load as above work)
10 Pull Ups
Scale and Sub:
Knee problems? Complex could be push press, push up, trx pull up
Coaches Notes:
-The complex should feel heavy if they are moving well
-If they have a ton of extra time add volume if needed
What to score and record:
Distance on each effort
Cool Down: Time
Band distraction hamstring Tuesday
Warm Up
Divide group into 2 parts
Part A Prep
2’ slow build
Dynamic swing hamstring
30” slow (write it down) – Should feel easy, like close to walk
1’ hip opener
30” moderate to fast (write this speed down) – Should feel manageable but not easy, 1 mile pace
rest 30”
30” all our fast (write your speed down) – has to be faster than 1 mile pace significantly, think whole numbers in mph not tenths.
Part B Prep
Prep movements
Floor wipers use Heavy KB
Single arm thruster moderate for 8 per side (8 manageable 15 impossible)
SDLHP tough for 12, maybe could get to 15
5 Rounds
For Max Reps and Speed
30” sprint
30” moderate
30” slow active recovery
30” sprint
*if on tread go by slowest speed in either fast interval and slowest speed in the moderate interval
*if rowing set calorie goals for fast and moderate / or don’t drop below goals 500 pace or watts
Right into;
1’ x 20 Floor wipers
1’ x 8/side single arm DB Thruster
1’ x 15 Sprawl SDLHP KB
1’ Rest
Warm Up
3’ slow to fast
2 Sets
Hollow to Arch on bar x 10 (scale to hollow hold 10” and arch hold 10”) explain this is the beginning of the skill technique for the kipping pull up.
Squat x 10
Push Up x 5
Auxiliary Strength (this is meant to be high volume and low load with less than 30” of rest)
4 Rounds Time Cap (15 minutes)
x 15 DB Chest Fly
x 30” Band Cross over back fly (Could be done with light load DB’s)
x 15 Strict Press DB
x30” Med ball tri toss to wall (quick aggressive)
Time Cap 28’
50-40-30-20-10 x Reps
KB Swing
Wall Ball
50 Push Up - 40 Box Jumps - 30- KB Lunge Steps - 20 - burpee - 10 Pull Up
Warm Up
Bring group in and explain that workout roles right into warm up.
Group A:
3 minutes conversational pace to building think mile pace to just touch at the end
3 Sets 5 reps of each
push up
BF Sit up
2 minutes building to Ideal 6 minute max pace (be aggressive and ambitious)
DB Complex heavy for 15 Thruster
Thruster, R. Row, DB Burpee, & Chest Press
For Max Distance and Reps
6’ Max Distance Run
2’ Rest
6’ time cap to complete the following x 2
DB Thruster x 15
DB Renegade Row x 10
DB Burpee x 10
DB Chest Press x 15
2’ Rest
4’ Max Distance Run
Rest 90”
4’time cap to complete the following x 2
Push up x 25
TTB x 15
Rest 90”
2’ Max Distance Run
Rest 60”
2’ time cap to complete the following x 1
40 burpees
Friday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiwGPXLiP1g
Warm Up
2’ run or row
3 Sets
5 good morning
5 Squat
5 push ups
5 sets of 5 & 10 Heavy (18 Minute silent cap)-give them about 5 minutes to work into first set
Front Squat & RDL
*if the load was actually heavy for 5 on the front squat then take it down to something you could manage 20 or so reps with. If the load was not such then leave it the same.
** If this doesn’t work for you then 5 sets of A. Bike and KB Swing will work
12/15 Cal
21 KB Swing
10 Rounds For Time: (est. time 15-20’)
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
7 Front Squats
7 Push Press
*Load should be moderate and the complex could be unbroken ?95/65
Partner Workout
*you will need a piece of chalk b/w you and your partner
*coaches make sure that you make this very measurable!
*lead coach does directing of both groups and will have to give direct actionable ques in total for 4’ of tread warm up. essentially, 2 minutes warm up, then building to 2 minutes for 4 minute pace.
*once the workout is going….push points are:
4 minute pace has to be for max distance and must get you out of breath
scale as needed, but you should have your goal numbers on the floor in places that work for you to see them.
2’ warm up
2’ build to speed that would be your 4 minute tough speed. Just
touch on it at the end.
30” max burpee (write your number down)
1’ 10 squats, 10 sq. J, 10 lunge, 10 scissors (write down how far you got)
teach the Lunge and BF Sit Up
The Workout (38’ total)
2 rounds Each (16’)
P1- 4 minutes Max Distance
P2- 4 minutes EMOM Alt Min.
Burpee x 20
Lunge x 20
(Switch) 30” transition
3 Rounds Each (12’)
P1-2 minutes Max Distance
P2-2 Minutes to complete
Leg Crank x 1 (10 squat, 10 squat jump, 10 lunge step, 10 scissor jump)
Sit up x 20
(Switch) 30” transition
*Scale the reps based on what you can do during the warm up
6 efforts 1’ work:1’ rest for max distance (10’)
10% incline or Damer
P1 sprint
P2 rest
10” transition
Cool Down:
P1 Shin to wall
P2 Foam roll quads
Sunday November 13, 2016
Warm Up
400 meter pick up
3 Sets
5 push up
5 sit up
2 sets
10 KB
10 loaded lunge
1 Set
5 Burpee
For Time W/ A Partner
400 meters each
(*Both partners must complete all 3 rounds of the couplet before moving to the next)
40-35-30 x Reps
Push Up & Sit Up
35-30-25 x Reps
KB Swing & KB Loaded Lunge
30-25-20 x Reps
KB SDLHP & Burpee
400 meter each
*Finisher- Coaches choice core work