Week of 8/19/24



5 Rounds

1’ to complete:

Hang Clean and Press x 5 (heavy for 10)


30” Rest

1’ to complete:

DB Narrow Chest Press x 15

5 Narrow Push up

30” Rest

1’ to complete:

Accumulate 30” in 90/90 Hang (90 degrees elbow/ 90 degrees hip/knee hanging from a bar)

30” Rest


w/ a partner complete 100 reps/Cal  accumulative of each activity

Always working 30” and holding plank 30”

P1- Work ; P2 Plank

KB Swing American




Warm Up - Slow mobility and foam rolling

Dynamic Warm Up-

In groups of 3

2 Rounds

20” each w/ 0 transition

Rnd1 moderate

Rest and do mobility

Rnd2 Fast aggressive *record team total

Load Very heavy for 10 1 DB Floor Chest PRess (can hit 10 but no way on 15)

Just load this and nothing else!

Easy to go extra heavy because non-loaded hand serves as a spot

!If you don’t take chances you aren’t progressing.  This is low hanging fruit w/ a single sided activity because you can work around the DB and spot yourself. 


With same load


R. Row 1 Arm

Power Clean 1 Arm

Step Up to box hip creese below knee 1 leg 1 arm 

*these should all be very heavy!

Training: (use a single DB)

5’ Cap working solo:

10/Per side 1 Arm Chest Press 

10/Per side 1 Arm R. Row

10/Per side 1 Arm Power Clean (from floor)

5/Per side 1 Arm 1 Leg Step Up

Right into

2’ to hit team total (1 person working @ a time)

*think about who is going 1st and last


Warm Up

1’ on 3 different cardio equipment pieces

b/w each effort mobility

Pick 1 piece of cardio equipment and test a 30” fast effort that would be a 1’ 90% all out effort that you could hit in 1’ but would have to rest 2’ before doing it again

Prep for : Overhead Push Press heavy for 15-20 DB’s / KTE or TTB / Burpee

Cardio Equipment A 1’ hit your FAST Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment B 1’ hit your FAST- 5 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment C 1’ hit your FAST- 10 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment C 1’ hit your FAST Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment B 1’ hit your FAST- 5 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment A 1’ hit your FAST- 10 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment A 1’ hit your FAST Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment B 1’ hit your FAST- 5 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment C 1’ hit your FAST- 10 Cal

Rest 30”

Rest 2’

EMOM Alt Minutes 3 Rounds

20 TTB

15 Burpee

10 Push Press

20 Push Press

15 Burpee

10 TTB

20 TTB

15 Burpee

10 Push Press

Rest 2’

Cardio Equipment A 1’ hit your FAST Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment B 1’ hit your FAST- 5 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment C 1’ hit your FAST- 10 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment C 1’ hit your FAST Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment B 1’ hit your FAST- 5 Cal

Rest 30”

Cardio Equipment A 1’ hit your FAST- 10 Cal


10’ Warm Up

5’ Prep

4 Rounds

3’ work per round: 1’ Rest

BB Floor Chest Press x 15

BB Stiff Leg RDL x 10

DB Push Press x 10

Pull Up x 15


4 Rounds

3’ work per round: 1’ Rest

 BB Hang Clean (same load as chest Press or heavier?) x 10 *probably broken (or make it 15)

BB Wheel of Death x 5

DB Hang Squat Clean (same load as Push Press or heavier) x 10

Burpee over bar x 5


Post a leader board for each cardio equipment

800 meter Row

1.25 bike

.50 mile Run


EMOM Alt. 

Leg Crank

10 Push up

Leg Crank

10 Burpee

Leg Crank

10 Burpee Pull Up

Leg Crank

10 Burpee Pull Up

Leg Crank

Break here for 3-5’ and load back squat heavy for 15-20 Reps

EMOM x 5 Rounds

Back Squat x 10

Rest 2’

KB Swing American 20

10 Push up

KB Swing American 20

10 Burpee

KB Swing American 20

10 Burpee Pull Up

KB Swing American 20

10 Burpee Box Jump

KB Swing American 20

Rest 2’

EMOM x 5 Rounds

Back Squat x 10


Week of 8/26/24


Week of 8/12/24