Week of 8/26/24



Warm Up

2’ bike, row, or run

4 Rounds

Lunge hip opener x 3 per side 

Squat x 10 *make it a point to talk about how you close the hip off should be applicable to your squat X 5 push up


Thruster loading heavy for 5-10 Reps *Make sure to talk about how movement can’t change when it’s loaded.  We aren’t saying go lighter, we are saying move better.

5 light thruster, row 2 cal, 5 medium thruster, row 2 cal, 5 heavy thruster, row 2 cal.

  • Do 5 burpees and 5 sprawl note the difference and the landing position.

KB Swing x 10 heavy for 20 (this should be heavy!) 3 rounds: 10 KB 2 burpee, 2 sprawl

For Time

Part 1-

50 Thrusters

EMOM do 5 burpees

Rest 2’

Part 2-

50 Calories Row

EMOM do 5 sprawl

Rest 2’

Part 3-

100 KB Swing

EMOM do 5 push ups

Rest 2’

Time Trial 800 meters


Partner Workout

Warm Up- Coaches Choice

10 Rounds

A Bike

20” sprint: 20” rest (for total Calories)

*Build in 5 Second Transition 

**Total Calories = score

Rest 2’

4 minutes to complete

21-15-9 x Reps

Wall Ball & Pull Up

Rest 2’

10 Rounds


20” sprint: 20” rest (for total Calories)

*Build in 5 Second transition 

**Total Calories = score

***share a single rower

Rest 2’

3 minutes to complete

15-9 x Reps

Wall Ball & Pull Up

Rest 2’

10 Rounds


20” sprint: 20” rest (for total Calories)

*Build in 5 Second transition 

**Total Calories = score

***This should be side by side so you don’t have to get on and off tread

Rest 2’

2 minutes to complete

9 x Reps

Wall Ball & Pull Up


Warm Up

2’ mono

3 Rounds

3 per side reverse lunge step (coach knee out toe forward)

6 shoulder tap push ups (do a push up and then in the high plank tap left and to right shoulder and vis versa.  Coach stability in midline)

6 Hollow rock (low back down on ground)


Do each couplet:
Load the lunge Heavy for 10 per side (get them to go heavy or make them do 15 per side if too light)

KTE -show kipping and hanging abs and reverse crunch

Sumo deadlift pull (can use same load and should use heavy load for 15 reps!!, you can change load if it’s too light but it shouldn’t be

Floor wipers (can use same Barbell load or KB)

Burpee box jump (scale to just burpee and jump)

Butterfly sit up

(white board explanation- idea is to get pushed by the time domain on each section.  Should be loaded heavy or added volume so that each is very tough)

12 minutes to complete 

5 Rounds

12 per side back loaded lunge steps

KTE x 24

Rest 2’

11 minutes to complete

5 Rounds

15 SDLHP (heavy for 15 reps)

20 Floor Wipers

Rest 2’

10 minutes to complete

5 Rounds

Burpee Box Jump x 10

Butterfly sit up x 20


Warm Up

400 meters 

3 Sets

Push Ups x 5

Squats x 5

3 Sets

Burpee x 3

KB Swing x 5 get heavier each set (last set will be heavy for 20-30 reps)

2 Sets

Box Jump x 5

Pull Up x 3-5

1 Round for time

400 meter run

30 hand release push ups

400 meter run

30 KB Swing

30 Hand Release push ups

400 meter run

30 Pull Up

30 KB Swing

30 Hand Release push ups

400 meter run

30 Burpee

30 Pull Up

30 KB Swing

30 Hand Release push ups

400 meter run

30 Box Jumps

30 Burpee

30 Pull Up

30 KB Swing

30 Hand Release push ups


Warm Up:

Cardio- 3 minutes to build to a 4 minute aggressive pace (should be threshold running pace, which should be way faster than race pace if you are familiar with your 5K or marathon pace)

Write it down–  will be a live number: 9mph or 1:50/500m split 


2-3 quick sets

5 squat and 5 squat jump

5 push up and 5 per side shoulder taps

5 sprawl


Teach, Prep, and Load

Use the Row to load all movements- heavy for 10 per side

Then practice the DB Burpee and Chest Press

32 minute cap

Cover 1 mile

And, complete 3 Rounds of:

20 renegade row

20 DB Burpee

20 DB Chest Press


cover 1 mile

work @ 4’ pace every2  minutes stop and do 5 burpees Plus 2 each round you don’t complete the 1 miles

*once you close out 1 mile come off and complete floor work

*then back to complete 1 mile stopping every 2 minutes and completing burpees starting w/ the highest number you ended on with 1st mile


W/ a Partner

4 Round Each

P1- A Bike 15/12 Cal

P2- Max Rep Wall Ball 

Rest 1’  (this will feel strange to them, but do it to get a potent stimulus of intensity)


Rest 2’

4 Round Each

P1- Row 15/12 Cal

P2- Max Rep Burpee

Rest 1’  


Rest 2’

4 Round Each

P1- Run 200 meters

P2- Max Rep KB Swing Moderate load (heavy for 50 reps)

Rest 1’  


your number down)

1’ 10 squats, 10 sq. J, 10 lunge, 10 scissors (write down how far you got)

teach the Lunge and BF Sit Up

The Workout (38’ total)

2 rounds Each (16’)

P1- 4 minutes Max Distance

P2- 4 minutes EMOM Alt Min.

Burpee x 20

Lunge x 20

(Switch) 30” transition

3 Rounds Each (12’)

P1-2 minutes Max Distance

P2-2 Minutes to complete

Leg Crank x 1 (10 squat, 10 squat jump, 10 lunge step, 10 scissor jump)

Sit up x 20

(Switch) 30” transition

*Scale the reps based on what you can do during the warm up

6 efforts 1’ work:1’ rest for max distance (10’)

10% incline or Damer 

P1 sprint

P2 rest


10” transition

Cool Down:

P1 Shin to wall 

P2 Foam roll quads


Week of 9/2/24


Week of 8/19/24