Week of 9/16/24

Monday https://www.youtube.com/live/679_DjqKOSk?si=NEF8WYLc3qjo9oK6

Warm Up 10’

Strength *should look something like (5&5- 5&7- 5&9- 5&11- failure…) 

Building to an unusaully heavy BB Thruster for 5 Reps


EMOM 18’

Odd 5 Thruster

Even 5 Front Squat +2 each round until no longer able to get the work done in the minute


Rest 2’ Minutes

Do the highest Round 1 more time

Rest 2’



5 Thruster

5 decline, pike, or handstand push ups + 1 each round

Same as above, but most likely this will take you to the end w/out failure

In teams of 3

Try to close out all the elements collectivly w/in the limits given:

Row, Bike, or Run 250 Cal

120 Loaded Sit Ups

60 TTB

60 Burpees

2 Rounds: 10’ (should be close to 120 Cal & 120 L. Sit up here)

P1-1’ on cardio:

10” transition

P2-1’ on core

10” transition

P2- Rest

2 Rounds: 6’ (should be close to if not closing out 200 Cal & 60 TTB here)

45” on cardio:

10” transition

45” on core

10” transition

45” rest

2 Rounds 4’ (should be able to close out 250 Cal and 60 Burpees here)

30” on cardio:

10” transition

30” on core

10” transition

30” rest




5-10 minutes to build

Build to heavy for 15 Reps


EMOM 16’ alternating minutes 

P1- work

P2- rest


*if you max out then stay where you r at

5 rounds nft

Sled push x out and back 1 superheavy.(meant to be practice to see how heavy you can get a sled and run out the whole time.)

Single arm dumbbell overhead lunge x 12-15

Loaded Tri dips feet elevated x 15

1’ Row for Max Cal



Warm Up


Lateral work:

Lateral jump & lateral lunge

W/ a partner

5 Rounds 10 minute cap


P2- 15 Push Ups 

Rest as needed

W/ a partner

5 Rounds 10 minute cap

P1- 20 Double KB Swing

P2- 10 burpees

Rest as needed

W/a partner

5 Rounds 10 minute time cap

P1- 10 DB Squat Clean & 10  Push Press

P2- 10 Box Jump 10 & Leg Lowering 10


Warm Up


Do this as a trial before you start in on the strength.  Make sure to write down your score:

*make these aggressive efforts, but not killer

20” A Bike Calories

20” row Calories

20” Burpee

20” A runner

20” KB Swing

4-5 Rounds Arms / Glutes & Core ~18-20’

Hammer Curl x 15-20 (EZ or DB)

Loaded RFE Static DB Lunge step x 10/s

Tri Narrow Press DB on bench x 12-15

BB Russian twist loaded x 7/side (fast and dynamic)

Tabata each (use your number from warm up at the number to not go below)

A Bike





Warm Up 10’

A little bit of dedicated strength time…..no strings attached. Once in awhile it’s good to just have no restrictions, no time domain, just see how heavy you can do this.

10-15’ to work on it:

5x5- Back Squat

Training 24’ *create a leader board for each cardio equpment and each sex

8 rounds alt.

2’ for max cal

15 Back Squat @ 60% of what you were using above 

Odd rounds- 15 box jump overs 24/20

Even rounds- 10 burpee- full extension over head

Max cal rest of time

1’ rest

Rest as needed

Partner Core work coaches choice


Warm Up

(QL scrubbing w/ LX ball- let the spine over extend and shear the tissue away from the spine)


tread running

3 people to a tread

4 Rounds

P1-1’ Max Distance

P2- On deck

P3- On deck

20” transition

Score is your individual lowest score added to your team score


4-5 Rounds

DB Floor Chest Press x 15

Strict Pull Up x 1-5


15 minutes to complete the following:

5 Rounds

20 Wall Ball

15 Calories

10 TTB

5 Burpee


Week of 9/23/24


Week of 9/9/24