Week of 9/9/24
Fit Group 9/9-9/15/24
Warm Up 10’
Strength 16’
Ladder Up & Down Alt EMOM
Deadlift x 5-7-9-11-11-9-7-5
DB Push Press x 17-15-13-11-11-13-15-17
Conditioning ~20’
Teams of 2
Total Calories after 2 Rounds
Team 1
P1 and P2 - one work and one rest alt
60” sprint: 60” rest: 10” buffer
Team 2
2 Rounds
P1 and P2 - one work and one rest alt
Every 30” Alt for 4 rounds
Complete 10 TTB & 10 Sit-Ups
Team w/ highest Calories wins….then;
Losing team picks
Only 1 Round
Losing team gets to go 75”: 75”: 10” buffer (more of a chance to take control and redeem)
Gives Winning team 45”:45”:10” (a reactive approach)
Or in some cases when extremely lopsided, you can have both advantages take place
*changing speed changes muscle recruitment
1-2’ transitions on everything and make the warm-up setting up for the back squat first load.
8’ Cap on Each Piece:
Rest 1’ b/w
A 6’
Back Squat - Fast
4 x 12 (0”)
B 6’
Back Squat- Normal
5 x 10 (normal)
C 6’
Back Squat - Slow
3 x 8 (3”:3”:0”)
Rest 2’ B/w each sequence-
The 8’ cap is very tight!
4 Rounds 8’ Cap
DB Deficit Push-Ups x 15
Strict Pull-Up x 5
Loaded sit-ups x 15
10 Cal Row
4 Rounds 8’ Cap
Push up hand release x 15
R. Row x 10 total
Teaser w/ overhead press x 15
10 Cal Bike
4 Rounds 8’ Cap
Burpee x 10-15
Chin Up x 5
Hollow 30”
10 Cal Run
Slow Start - No timer, just let this roll, without telling them to move it along after bout 8’
4 Rounds - Just loading and some stimulus
BB Strict Press x 5
BB Front Squat x 10
*same load, no rest b/w
A little more - feeling somewhat warm but not all the way - plenty of time to get this done “let’s try and finish up in say….8’30” ish”
4 Rounds- adding volume
KB Swing x 10,15,20,25
Pull Up x 10,12,14,18
X 5 rounds or 15 Burpee over bar & 15 Box Jump
1 minute to complete
15 Thrusters & 5 SDLHP (in additional time max rep burpee over bar)
1-minute rest
1 minute to complete
15/12 Cal & 1 push-ups (in additional time max rep box Jump)
1-minute rest
*we can deadlift and squat w/out making it always heavy load, meaning the absolute value of the load being heavy…..The CNS sill responds to heavy based on movement and not just load.
Example- heavy back squat #300 or #40DB single-leg squat…...both provide a hormonal response.
25 minutes for 5 Rounds
Station 1-
Single leg BB kickstand Deadlift x 5/side
Single-arm Chest Press DB x 10/s
Station 2-
Single leg DB Loaded FRont squat to target (touch, don’t sit) x 5/s
Single Arm DB Clean & Press x 10/s
Station 3-
TRX loaded Side Dip x 20/s (or just side loaded dips)
Med ball plank roll out x 20
12 minutes to complete
3 Rounds
4 minutes
18 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
15/12 Calories
18 Wall Ball
2 minutes rest
Friday https://www.youtube.com/live/9hEha3XeSlE?si=mhNf61inJdUR_kT4
Warm Up-
1’ slow
2 sets
Hollow hold 10” to bar hand 10” in hollow
*only the KB’s out that are being used. Swing KB light x 5
Squat and lunge x 10 each
1’ moderate
Box Jump 3 reps
Sled push @ Load from testing (just do a length)
Station 1
3 person sled push- out/back on front lawn
10 Rounds in 10 minutes
P1- go
P2 and P3 Rest
Station 2
10’ to hit the following-
100 KB Swings Each (heavy load) Can’t go over 40 on 1st attemps!
50 Box Jumps Each
25 Cal Each
*break this up however you want!
Station 3
10 minutes
10 minutes to try and complete the following
3 Rounds Individual
400 M Run Outside or on tread
10 DB Burpees
Warm up 6’
Conditioning & Core 15’
Pick something you can sprint on-
1’ all-out effort (this will get easier so make this your best effort)
1’ Rest and complete:
60” Band crunch
Transition ~30”
Hit the same number
40”’:20” rest: 20” work
1’ Rest and complete:
60” Hanging Abs
Transition ~30”
Hit the same number
20” work:20” rest: 20” work: 20” rest: 20” work
1’ Rest and complete:
60” Band Crunch
Transition ~30”
Hit the same number
20” work:20” rest: 20” work: 20” rest: 20” work
1’ Rest and complete:
60” Hanging abs
3 Rounds 18’
Station 1
Single Arm DB Step Up x 10/s
Single -Leg 3 point med ball touch RDL
Station 2
Band walking x 20
Static Lunge loaded DB x 10/s
Station 3
Band Tri x 20
Narrow Chest Press x 15
KB Swing Challenge 12’ cap
40-30-20-20-30-40 X Reps KB Swing
b/w each set
10 HR Push ups