week of 5/27

Fit 5/27-6/2/24


Monday Murph 5/27/24

Tuesday 5/28/24


Warm Up:

2’ slow to moderate

Press Drills: *this has to be fast to get everything done below

*talk to the group about how pressing is a systems approach starting with rigid quads, like in a push up, and strong midline, like in the push up.  All of these skills will transfer from the pushup series to the overhead pressing.

2-3 rounds

Push up x 3

Decline push up x 3

Handstand hold x 10” (sub a pike hold for 10”)


Strength: *make this heavy!

DB or BB Push Press

8 Sets Max Rep

15”: 45” 

*this needs to be a heavy load, manageable for 7-10.

B/W sets DBs are in a hang/farmers carry hold during the 45” rest

Out of the 8 sets you can rest 2 w/DBs on the floor during rest period

** think about how you want to talk to those who can do this heavy.  1. Something to do during off time? 2. Talk to them about finding something they can do to keep the stimulus?

Metabolic Conditioning: *think of scaling options 1. Burpee jump and touch 2. Squat jumps 3. Squat jumps ***also think aobut someone who can’t, for whatever reason do this for 15 minutes. Maybe offer up a 1’ row each round as well?

Bike or Run Only Please; 

(if you miss a minute rest the next and start in on the next set)

(very challenging and be ok with missing 1 or 2 rounds each 5 minute set)

(1st scale option is to go from 10/8 cal to 8/6)

(bike can be w/ parter but you better have a good working relationship or they will hold you up)

5 minutes EMOM

7 Burpee/6 Burpee/5 Burpee….down by 1

8/10 Cal

Rest 1’

5 minutes EMOM

5  Burpee Box Jump/ 4…….

8/10 Cal

Rest 1’

5 minutes EMOM

4  Burpee Pull Up/ 3……

8/10 Cal

Rest 1’

5 minutes EMOM ****!!!

8 sprawl/ 6….. ***!!!Down by 2

8/10 Cal

Intervals Row Only Please

Max Distance 3’ 1 x effort

Wednesday 5/29/24

Warm Up:

2’ slow to moderate

Deadlift Drills:

(just 2-3 quick rounds)

Good mornings x 5

Push ups x 5

*the focus has to be on pulling tension on hamstrings, finding neutral spine, some people will have to see this in the mirror.

** dig into mechanics here.  Make them hold on number 5 rep and go over checklist.  Legs locked, back flat.


12-15 minute time cap


**talk about it as a functional activity. Doesn’t have to be heavy, but it has to be something that allows us to pick things up off the floor, and we should have a strategy to do this and do it in a good position. 

***if they can’t deadlift then make it a squat, but make sure they know that it’s a necessary skill and they should work on it.  But if they want a stimulus then they can do something else.  Maybe KG squat high pull?

Rest b/w to make load changes:

2 x 7 light 15” work: 20” rest

4 x 6 moderate 20” work: 25” rest

10 x 5 heavy  25” work: 30” rest *take rounds off if needed

Metabolic Conditioning:

EMOM 14 Minutes

7 Thruster

3 burpee over bar

*load should be heavy for 15-20 reps

**if you miss a minute rest the next minute

*** score by total rounds completed


2-3 x 800m (depending on time remaining do 2 or 3 efforts)

Rest 2’ b/w each

Thursday 5/30/24

Warm Up:

2’ moderate Cardio

Pre-Training Mobility Options

Band Distracted Elevated Pigeon (External rotation)

LX Ball Internal Rotation Scap compression

Let them work on this as long as they would like while you talk about and show the next phase:

4 Rounds (if you need more mobility do it during this section)

Working Every 30”:10” transition

Archer Push Ups x 10 (loaded?)

Row or Bike

R. Row 

Row or Bike

Front Squat Drill & Core

5 Rounds

30” work: 10” transition

Frankenstein Squats (light load- share the meaning- keeping the torso upright)

Seasaw Plank (loaded?)


800 meter TT (this could be a hard effort or attempt to loosen up)

5 Rounds 8 min cap


12 Burpee

10 two for one wall ball

Friday 5/31/24

Warm Up:

2’ moderate


1-2 sets

*talk about how the feet and the hands are similar in creating torque, which creates stability, toes forward and finger forward

3 position push ups

X 3 reps wide 

Squat feet wide x 5

X 3 reps narrow 

Squat feet narrow x 5

X 3 reps regular 

Squat feet regular x 5


Chest Press

*review the following 1. Shoulders back, feet on floor, eyes under bar, break bar to keep elbows in on the way down, straight bar path.

Load Heavy for 15-20 Reps (good chance for people to see how far they are from the edge)

8 minute time cap

60 Reps in as few of sets as possible

*your score = the number of sets it takes you to complete the 60 Reps

**talk strategy a bit.  Recovery is the key.  You should be working all the way up to the time cap. 

Metabolic Conditioning:

3 Rounds 9’ Cap

30 Heavy KB Swing (should be your heaviest load) (should be broken even on the first set)

20 Box Jumps

10 burpee


Team A Bike Races

P1- 30” sprint

P2,P3,P4 Rest

After 1 round gather total team Cal

Take number x 5, clear monitor

1st team to hit goal wins

*if you want to get creative you can make one trade per team or you can find the leading teams and give them a rest assignment (during rest complete 5 HR PUsh up)

Saturday 6/1/24

Warm Up:

2’ moderate

2 sets

10 push ups

15 squats to target

10 sit ups

Prep all movements and go.  *should take 10 minutes to prep

In teams of 3

9 minutes for Max Reps and Distance

P1- Row 10 Calories *this person is the pace setter

P2- Max Rep Burpees

P3- Air Squat to target

*set this up so that they are all right next to each other.  Pull rowers out facing the mirrors on west wall

Rest 2’

In teams of 3

9 minutes for Max Reps and Distance

P1- A Bike 10 Calories *this person is the pace setter

P2- Max Rep Sit Up

P3- Wall Ball

*set this up so that they are all right next to each other.  Pull rowers out facing the mirrors on west wall

Rest 2’

In teams of 3

9 minutes for Max Reps and Distance

P1- Run 200 meters *this person is the pace setter

P2- Max Rep Floor Wiper

P3- Box Jump

*set this up so that they are all right next to each other.  Pull rowers out facing the mirrors on west wall


week of 5/20


Week of 5/13/24